"The fuck you saying now, bitch!"

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Aidens P.O.V

(2 months later)

"Fuck me, I thought we were gonna die." Spencer laughed as we stopped running.

"As soon as he pulled that shit our I was gone." I chuckled and pull of my mask, as did he.

"You know, i'm still trying to figure out why we get all the jobs like this." He wondered.

"Cause we're the only fuckers willing to do them."

We hid our masks in our back pockets as we exited the alley onto a crowd filled street. I walked besides him as we strolled down the street, ignoring all the stares at my bruised eye and busted lip.

I had earned them both when Max sent us out to a deal that turned bad pretty quickly. Spencer had remained un-touched, whilst I got two hits to the face by a chick. You can only imagine how many jokes Spence had locked up inside that big head of his.

Max had decided to partner us up after the day we went to see Harley and Kalin. He decided we would work well together since our ages and personalities are similar, and he had not been wrong. We did work well together, extremely well, as friends and 'co-workers'.

"Damn, look at that chick over there." He nudged me. "Why the fuck is she with Harley's lame ass?"

I froze on the spot as I saw her two feet away from me.

"What's wrong?" He asked with concern. "That's her isn't it.."

I nodded my head but didn't respond verbally. I just stared as I saw them both leaning in for a kiss. My heart broke as their lips touched and they kissed for what felt like forever. Before I could look away, her eyes connected with mine. She gasped as she saw me and came rushing over, leaving him behind. She didn't say anything as she wrapped her arms around me. I didn't return the hug, just stared blankly down at her.

"Get off me." I spat.

She did as she was told and released me. Then stood back and stared at me with hurt clear in her eyes.

"What have I done?" She asked. "If I remember, you're the one who left."

"You're dating him? Are you fucking serious?" I shouted.

"I can date whoever I like Aiden!" She yelled back at me. "You can't not speak to me for two months, then come back and start telling me what to do!"

"I ain't, I just thought you were smart enough to not jump into bed with that!"

"We haven't even slept together!" She screamed.

"I wouldn't put it past you." I snarled.

She gasped and stepped back a step as if I had physically hit her.

"Why the fuck are you upset? You shouldn't give a fuck what I say, cause I mean i'm just nothing to you right?" I added.

"Of course you're something to me." She sighed.

"Then why're you constantly trying to hurt me!" I shouted, then realised what I had admitted. I should've stopped there, but the words just kept flowing. "First you fuck off to England for five years and now this!"

"C'mon Aid, let's go." Spencer chimed in and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, go! You always do." She said with hurt in her voice.

"Oh yeah, you can talk." I scoffed.

"Why don't you go fuck yourself." She screeched.

"Cause you should be fucking me!" I shouted back, catching Harley's attention.

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