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(The next day)

Aiden's P.O.V

I woke up with my arm over Violet as she slept on my chest. She had stayed over my house the night, since we wasn't out the hospital until gone twelve. I still felt pretty bad for making her loose her temper yesterday. It surprised me at how quickly she lost it. If I knew she was going to react that bad I would've just got out of the car and listen.

She had to have stitched in her hand because the glass had cut through it. Once they saw my condition they also took care of me too, even though I repeatedly told them I was fine. The nurse also called the police because of my attack and they arrived before I had the chance to sneak out. Luckily for them I couldn't leave violet, so they got the chance to speak to me.

The police questioned me about the attack and all I replied with was either, "I didn't see them", or, "No comment." Meaning they had no evidence to take the case any further, which was a good thing. I didn't want anyone in my business, especially Violet. I regretted bringing Violet to that meeting last night. If I had known that was going to happen, I would've made sure she had no clue of where I was going.

My phone buzzed besides me, indicating I had a text, separating me and my thoughts. I lent over and grabbed my phone managing to not wake her up in the process, then began to read the text.

{From: Max}

Sorry about last night Aid, it's all business son. Friends?

I read the text silently, then replied. Making sure to watch my words as I did so.

{To: Max}

Yeah, just business right. We're cool.

Even though I had claimed we was cool, we defiantly wasn't. I could never trust him again the way I did, it was too risky now.

He continued to text me about meeting to buy of me, and I said yes. But this time I wasn't going to go alone or with Violet. Whilst I thought about who I would bring along, he texted me again and my anger started to rise as I was reading it.

{From: Max}

So how's your girlfriend? I heard the poor thing was crying her eyes out last night. I'd love to meet her again so I can apologize.

Fucking creep.

I kept my emotions to myself as I replied, not letting him get the reaction he wanted from me.

{To: Max}

She's fine, just was a little upset. And maybe you will.

I lied in the text, he definitely wasn't ever seeing her again. Even if my life depended on it, that creep wouldn't get to touch her.

"Who won't?" She said, sleep laced in her voice.

"Max." I answered, making her head turn upwards to look at me.

She was so beautiful even though she had just woken up. Her blue eyes were slightly dimmed from tiredness, but still stood out and were mesmerizing. Her lips were partially dry, but that didn't stop me from wanting to kiss them.

Keep your feelings hidden, I reminded myself.

"You're done with him now, right?" She questioned, whilst smiling at me.

I stayed quiet and didn't reply. I didn't want to lie to her, but I also didn't want her knowing the truth. Whenever she looked down on something I did, it made me feel ashamed and I have no idea why.

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