The reveal

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Aiden's P.O.V

With my hands firmly gripped on her ass, I carried her up the stairs some how not bumping into everything in my path like I usually would. Her eyes read lust and I could bet mine did too as I laid her onto the neatly-made bed.

"So how far we planning to go-" I was cut off by my phone vibrating and let out a grunt. "Every fucking time with this shit, hold on"

I looked at the caller ID to see Spencer and knew if I didn't answer it would keep ringing. "What do you want?"

"Open the door, I'm bored." He replied, slapping his lips while he ate.

"I'm not home, leave me alone. I said I'd call you guys later" I huffed.

"I know, I'm outside Violets. Open the door before it comes off it's hinges, your choice buddy." He chuckled.

I swiftly moved over to the window to see Spencer waving at me from the front yard of her house with a smug grin. Instead of responding on the phone I put a finger up and gave the best glare I could to get him to get the message.

"Fine, half hour then I'm banging it down." He told me while he mimicked my expression from outside.

"Thank you, don't knock on the door I should be done in time." I replied, "Fucking asswipe."

"Suck it bitch." He shrugged and walked off, hanging up the phone in the process.

Instead of waiting for rocks to start flying at the window I closed the blinds.   Violet was still laid on the bed wondering what the hell just happened, but I just shook my head as if to say "don't ask", which she understood.

"So... as I was saying" I smirked and got on top of her.

"I wanna take it slow..." She told me.

I've got half an hour, not a whole day. I groaned internally.

"Well then let's just carry on with the basics." I bit my lip and carried on from where we left off.

(30 minutes later)

I was now dressed, as was she. But she insisted I let myself out as she tucked herself into bed, which I laughed at. So with a quick kiss on the head I left her to rest and ran downstairs to open a door to a singing, annoying Spencer.

"Like my singing?" He laughed, "Think I should go on like American idol or some shit?"

"Sure pal, thanks for making me rush." I glared and shut the door.

"No problem, sex ain't good for you anyway." He shrugged, "Why'd you think Max don't get laid?"

We both laughed at his joke as we walked from her drive to the car, then stopped as we heard tyres screech.

"AIDEN!" Someone called, not sounding very happy.

I turned to see Harley and Kalin not looking at pleased as usual. My thoughts raced as I begun to worry about violet and if he saw.

"Didn't you just bang his girlfriend?" Spencer whispered in my ear.

"Shut up.." I said under my breathe, "What's up?" I acted casual as I walked towards them, Spencer by my side.

"Don't act like you don't fucking know!" He yelled.

I looked up at Violets window and saw the blinds were open again. If you looked close enough you could see her head poking up every now and then to see what was going on. My heart raced as I tried to figure out another issue other than the fact I was just in bed with his girlfriend, not that to me it was a big deal but to her it was. To her it was the end of her good girl reputation and her relationship.

"I seriously don't know, tell me..." I played dumb.

"So you weren't there last night no?" Kalin spoke. "You're telling me you didn't do it? Cause I call bullshit you asshole."

"The fuck? What you talking about?" I was now genuinely confused.

Before he could speak Violet ran out the house and was standing in front of me in defence mode. Her breathing was fast and I knew the idiot was going to say something stupid, but before I could stop her she did exactly that, "Harley I'm so sorry, it was only one time.. it should never have happened and I am so sorry-"

My hand now covered her mouth and her tears wet my skin.

"Move your hand now.. what the fuck is she talking about?" He demanded calmly. "Aiden!"

My hand moved slowly as she sniffed from crying. "She feels hot, I think she's sick, don't listen to her." I played it off like it was nothing with sweat dripping from my forehead.

"Well you're fucked kid." Spencer laughed, making the situation 10x worse.

Harley stared at me for a second and immediately started to piece things together as he pulled her towards him, his eyes trained on me. His eyes shot back and forth between us, then lastly at the house, in more detail her bedroom window.

That's was the moment I knew for sure, I fucked up...

Harley pushed Violet out the way and onto the grass, switching on my defence mode as he lunged at me. At first he was on top of me, but now taking hits from above. My fist was pounding at his face until pain hit the back of my head as Kalin decided to join in.

"Fuck." I cursed as I fell on my side giving Harley much more leeway than he needed.

"YOU SLEPT WITH MY GIRLFRIEND!" He screamed as he threw hits at my face. 

"We didn't sleep together!" I shouted and he stopped. "We just like... did shit." I laughed and threw a hit back at him.

"YOU DID SHIT WITH MY GIRLFRIEND!"He shouted spit flying in my face.

Great, where was the weather forecast for a spit shower?

The more he laid into me the more sarcastic I got and I really couldn't help myself with every drop of blood that poured from my face. "She touched me too!"

"You just don't help yourself do you?" He said breathless.

"Well it's not my fault you've been kissing my dick." I gave a weak chuckled until the last hit got me close to lights out.

My head landed on its right side and I couldn't find the strength to fight back.

Word of advice kid, never mix cumming and fighting, No.1 life lesson from Aiden.

I watched as he picked her up of the ground and pulled her by her arm up the drive, that's when my strength kicked in. As soon as I heard the winces from her I couldn't help but make myself get up. So I ran, ran all the way up the drive and slammed his head off the brick wall of the porch.

Harley fell to the floor like the bitch he was while Violet ran into my arms.

"Touch her again and I won't hold back from ending you kid." I warned him as he held his head, crying.

Kalin had lost the fight with Spencer and was out for the count on the floor which was Harley's next move. Spencer seemed as if he had used no effort at all against Kalin, like it was a breeze to him.

"You okay?-"

"I'm calling the police!" One of my neighbours shouted from their house.


"I'll call you later." I told Violet as she wiped her tears away. "Go in the house and only open to the police, no one else. Don't mention no names okay? You know how this works."

I left her as she went back inside while I ran to the car with Spencer.

"Fucking hoodlums!" The guy called out. "I know it was you Aiden! It's always you kid!"

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