The Great Escape.

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Aiden's P.O.V

(The next morning)

I woke up to find Violet gone from my side. The empty feeling from the past two months was creeping back inside me as I noticed she wasn't in the room either. I sat up and looked down besides me to see my clothes still on the floor.

"Get dressed!" She told me as she burst through the door wearing only a towel.

"Why? What's the rush?" I asked as I stripped her with my eyes.

"He's on his way here. You've got to go." She answered.

"Fine." I groaned and stood up. "But we're talking about this later."

"Of course we will Aid, but right now you hav-"

"To go, I know." I cut her off.

She gave me an apologetic look as I put on my jeans, then pulled my shirt over my head. I walked over to her once I grabbed my phone and hoodie.

"Do I get a goodbye kiss?" I smirked.

"I guess you can have that." She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck.

The kiss was short and sweet, but I didn't want that. My hand traveled up her towel and she didn't stop it, whilst my other softly tugged her hair. I slapped her ass, making her jump, the squeezed. Our lips connected as I pushed her head closer to mine, then slid my tongue in her mouth.


"Fuck." I cursed as someone banged at the front door. "Is it him?"

"Let me check." She said and rushed to the window. "Shit, you've gotta hide."

"I'm not hiding." I scoffed, earning a glare. "You keep him downstairs, I'll jump out the window."

"Fine." She sighed and ran to me, giving me a quick kiss. Then ran downstairs to the door.

"Hey." I heard her say as she opened the door.

"Hey cutie, I love your outfit." He replied. I could imagine the wink that went with it.

I resisted the urge to run down and knock him out. Then tip-toed to the window and opened it. I heard him enter the house and that was my cue to leave. I placed my right food on the window pane, then put my arms either side for balance.

I looked down and gulped as I saw how far down it was.

I'm gonna fucking die.

"One, two, three." I whisper to myself. "Go."

I lept out the window, regretting my decision immediately as I fell in the grass. Pain shot through me as I rolled around in pain. I ignored it and army crawled to the sidewalk, to stay out of sight.

Once I reached it, I stood up and began to limp to my house.

"The things you'll do to get laid." Someone clapped as I reached my door.

I turned to see Spencer with a smirk on his face, arms folded and foot tapping as if he was waiting for answers.

"You saw that?" I chuckled as I opened my door.

"Yeah, I didn't know you were so interested in acrobatics." He said sarcastically.

"It's kind of my specialty." I joked. "Now shut up and get inside."

"Yeah, you wouldn't want Harley hearing you bedded his girl last night." He laughed as we stepped inside.

"I didn't fuck her." I admitted as I sparked a cig.

"Then what did you do?" He asked, looking curious as he lit up his own.

"I ain't saying shit." I smirked, "I like to keep my shit privet and confidential."

"Oh, like the girl from last week?" He shot back.

"It's not like I went into depth." I shrugged.

"What did she say again?" He raised a brow. "Oh god, Aiden! Harder! Deeper! Fuck me like a slut!" He mimicked the girl.

"Shut up." I laughed.

"Hey, what're you guys talking about?" Wyatt interrupted.

"Nothing that concerns you." I replied.

I averted my gaze to see him stood there by the door. He had made it obvious he had been eavesdropping, there wasn't a doubt about it.

"Why're you such an asshole." He growled.

"Yeah, leave poor wyatt alone." Spencer defended him.

"Why weren't you home last night?" He asked, changing the subject.

"I'm not home most nights, what's the big deal?" I chuckled.

"Because I just saw you jump out the Hugh's wind-"

I cut him off by wrapping my hand around his throat and putting him against the wall. My smoke was still lit in the other hand, so I took a drag. He looked terrified as I towered over him, with a glare.

"Keep your fucking mouth shut or else." I threatened.

He nodded his head fast with wide eyes. I released my grip as I took another drag. Once he recovered his breathing he made a quick exit out of the room and ran up the stairs.

"Well that was a bit harsh." Spencer spoke.

"I know what he's like." I replied.

"Alright, well forget that because we've got to go." He told me.

"Where?" I asked.

"Max wants to speak to us. I think he's pissed about the arrest." He chuckled.

"Let's go then." I sighed and started mentally preparing myself for the bollocking.

Spencer and I were sat down with Max pacing in front of us. We had already been here for half an hour with the same lecture repeated more than ten times already. I was starting to get restless and tired of listening to him shout at us.

Spencer had repeatedly tried to justify our actions, but wasn't getting anything other than shouting from Max. Whilst he done that, I had found out there was three windows in this room, with fifty four books on his bookcase behind the desk. I was about to start counting how many pencils were in the pot until he looked at me.

"What the fuck did you think you were doing?" Max asked for the eleventh time.

"We just got into a fight, it's no big deal." I shrugged.

"Why?" He gave a stern look.

"Cause he was talking shit." I smirked.

"Really... That's your reason?" He said, looking fed-up. "Look, boys you can't just go around doing this. You've got to act a little professional okay?"

"Yeah, sure." I mumbled, paying more attention to the seven pencils I had already counted.

"Okay, now you can go. I've got work to do." He dismissed us.

We stood up from our chairs and left immediately. My phone buzzed as we reached outside so I took it out of my pocket. I smiled as I saw a text from Violet and opened it.

{From: Violet}

Hey Aid, I'm sorry but last night can never happen again. It was amazing but I can't do that to Harley again, sorry.

A smirk came over my face as I read the text.

"You alright?" Spencer asked, looking amused.

"Yeah." I smirked, "Just planning my next move." 

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