The Friends.

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Violet's P.O.V 

I woke up the next morning to discover several messages, most from Aiden and one from Lexi. I thought back to the events of last night and decided I would check his first, considering I just stormed off yesterday.

{From: Aiden}
Look, I'm sorry for how I've been acting. You're right, so now we're gonna be purely friends.
Goodnight baby - A.

A smile appeared on my face as I read 'Goodnight baby', but sadness still crept through me. I didn't want anything to change between us. He had been my reason to be happy since coming back here. Fear rose inside of me as I began to think of what could happen now we're just friends. Instead of dwelling on the idea, I decided to read his other message.

{From: Aiden}
You still ain't replied, I'm coming over in a minute. Be ready.

I checked to see what time I had received the message, it read 7:04 am and I started to panic. My clock read two minutes after that, meaning he would probably arrive in the next ten minutes. So I had time to get myself atleast looking slightly presentable.

I jumped out of bed and ran to the shower, stripping as I did so. Once I reached the it, I immediately turned on the water before stepping inside. The hot beads of water ran down my body, cause me to instantly wake up. I quickly squirted my strawberry scented body wash onto my hands, then continued to massage it into my body.

Once I finished, I got out and wrapped my towel around my body. Then scurried back to my room, after turning the shower off completely.

When I walked back into my room he was already sat on my flowery bedspread, with the duvet balled up underneath him. Which he always done for comfort, since he was a kid. I jumped a little due to shock, which made him aware of my presents. His head shot up and a smirk was clear on his face, as his eyes scanned my body.

"You're making this friend thing real hard." He said, with his smirk plastered on his face.

"Shut up!" I told him as I shut my bedroom door firmly behind me. "Who let you in?"

"Your mom. But she's gone now if you wanna stop this friend bullshit." He winked.

"No, I don't." I lied. "Now get out or cover your eyes."

"Ugh! Fine!" He complained, then threw the balled up covers over his head and flopped onto the bed.

I struggled to put my underwear on, as my skin was still slightly wet. My body was shielded by my towel in case he tried to sneak a peak. Then quickly pulled on my soft grey sweats, and a white long sleeved top.

"You can look now." I told him, as I threw my drenched hair into a messy bun.

Immediately he threw the duvet off him and sat up to face me. His state was lustful and the way he licked his lips proved he liked what he saw.

"Come here." He commanded as he continued to stare. My mind went blank as I walked towards him and a blush started to creep into my face.

Once I was in front of him, he picked up my left leg softly and began to wrap it around his torso. Then my right and pulled me closer towards him, making the space between us close. His hands were firmly placed into my lower back and his minty breath started to intoxicate me.

"It's so damn hard to keep my hands off you." He admitted as he raised his hand to brush a piece of loose hair out my face.

"W..why?" I stuttered.

"Because you're my one weakness." He told me honestly, with an un-readable emotion in his eyes.

I had no reply for him as I processed what he said. But my reaction was clear by my blush deepening.

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