Temper, temper.

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Aiden's P.O.V

I walked down the hallways with Violet following closely behind me. She was probably going to shout at me, so instead of going to the parking lot where I had planned. I turned a corner and then propped myself up against a locker. My arms were folded and one foot was against another locked, whilst the other held me up. I was relaxed and prepared for a shouting match. Which she began.

"What did you just do!" She yelled. "You know that you could face expulsion for something like that right?"

"He should've kept quiet." I replied, not bothered about her raising her voice.

"No, you shouldn't have hit him." She said.

"He asked what I was gonna do, so I simply showed him." I explained.

"So what? Don't mean you retaliate!" She pointed out.

"You know you loved it." I winked, knowing she would get mad.

"No I didn't." She replied quickly.

"You did really." I smirked.

"Shut up. No I didn't." She denied.

"You need to stop lying or your nose is going to start growing." I told her with a cheeky smile. She checked her nose and I started laughing. "Knew you was fucking lying!"

"Shut up!" She whined and slapped me playfully.

"I still told you." I chuckled.

"Okay, I was terrified. But I did partially enjoy the Aiden I remember." She admitted.

"Of course you did, he's amazing." I said.

"Idiot." She replied.

I pulled her by her arm and she fell into me, and I wrapped my arms around her waist. She looked up at me and I stared into her eyes. But then she tried to look away to hide her obvious smile. Which was soon stopped, when I placed my finger on her chin. Switching the direction of her head.

"I'm sorry for what I did back there. But honestly, I couldn't stand him speaking about you like that. I was just looking out for you." I told her, as we locked eyes.

Fuck her eyes are amazing.

"I know, thank you." She smiled sweetly, then rested her head on my chest.

I missed how close we once were. It just felt right having her back. At first I was hurt and mad at her. She had left a scar deeper than anyone else had or could. But now I just wanted to forget all the damage that had been done. I just wanted to spend time with her. But this time I won't fuck up again. I won't let my feelings go past their boundaries.

"It's cool. I me-"

"Aiden Prescott, you're under arrest." A voice cut me off.

I turned my head to the left, to see three men dressed in uniform. Violet moved off me and they cuffed me, not very nicely. Whilst telling me my Miranda rights. Also that I was being arrested for assault on that asswhole.

"Don't worry, I'll come to see you when I'm out." I told Violet, before they took me outside and forced me in their vehicle.

There's no way I'm going down.

I walked up the front yard, towards violets house. My wrists still ached a little from how tight the cuffs were. But I could still use them, so it didn't matter how much they hurt.

I knocked on the door and minutes later she answered.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay? I was so worried about you." She said and hugged me tight, making me wince slightly. "What's wrong?"

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