Date night

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Aiden's P.O.V

I decided tonight would be a change from all the others. Spencer was already mad about me bailing on him without realising what I was doing instead of hood ratting it out with them guys. He would never understand love, never.. the guy couldn't even comprehend maths let alone the complexities of love.

"I just don't get why a date is so important." He went on and repeated the same sentence he had been saying for an hour now.

"You wouldn't understand Spencer, I've never taken her on a proper one. This is important to me and i'm not going tonight. End off." I huffed as I tied my tie and straightened out my shirt. This was too much of a big night for me to let Spencer ruin it. I had made a reservation at the most perfect restaurant, by that I mean expensive. He had also let me borrow his car as I didn't want to walk or make her do the same.

I didn't have a license, but that's one thing she didn't need to know.. right?

"Right, i'm leaving. You're annoying, have fun. Night." I smiled and left the apartment by slamming the door.

It was 7pm and I was meant to be there by half seven, more than enough time to grab a bottle of wine for later. I didn't know whether it would be white, red, purple, blue or whatever colours they did yet i just know that women like wine.

Women do like wine right?

I cleared my thoughts of any doubts I was having and drove to a convenience store near her house, then proceeded to argue with the foreign cashier who did not apparently understand what wine was.

"Do.. you.. sell.. wine!" I asked for the twentieth time.

"Wiiinee?" He repeated once again.

"YES! THE SHIT THAT WOMEN DRINK!" I shouted, losing my temper quickly and slamming my hand on the counter. A women scoffed at me and I chuckled slightly.

Hopefully she's the only women I offend tonight.

"Ohhh." He stretched out. "Yes."

"Ok, where is it then?" I calmed myself and tried to keep my presentable determior. Then stood there for a minute waiting for his answer and the response he made lose all control...

"Where what?-"

My fist hit him from over the counter and knocked him against the wall. "A FUCKING PUNCH! ASSHOLE!" I shouted at him and he seemed completely unfazed by my hit, even laughed a little knowing he had got to me.

He threatened to call the police and that was my cue to leave immediately. Fortunately I found a bottle of wine on my way out and took it with me. "One charge is too boring, assault and theft sounds more fun." I laughed and exited the store. What that guy didn't know that I knew is that this store had no security cameras, how I knew that was not something i'm proud of.. but I knew that much.

Let's hope this night doesn't end in interagation, I thought.

I started the car quickly as he screamed at me through the door and I laughed in return. Even though stealing wasn't ethical in Violets book I voted that she didn't have to know. What she doesn't know won't hurt her and that was fine by me, and with that thought I drove to her house with the bottle riding shotgun. I couldn't wait to see her even though she had left just this morning. She was the one I wanted, always.

Buzz.. Buzz..

"Hey beautiful." I answered the phone with the biggest grin on my face. "How far are you?" She asked, sounding eager about our date.

I couldn't wait either..

"I'm around a minute away, just driving up the street now." I told her. She hung up the phone with a squeak type noise which I gathered was an okay, at least that's what I took it as. I was just as excited as she was but I was more subtle about my excitement, but I didn't know how i'd be when I saw her.

As I pulled up I looked in the mirror to make sure nothing was out of place and I was happy with my appearance. I got out the car, refusing to look at her until she had my full attention. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I ignored it as I grabbed the bottle, ready to present it to her in all its glory. I didn't know much about wine, but the writing was French and I gathered that was good enough.. hopefully.

She smiled at me delightfully as she walked over to me at the end of her drive. Her heels clicking as the dress swayed in the wind, black lace hugging her figure and legs to die for on show. Blonde hair tied in a bun and her eyes pierced my soul as she stared at me. The beauty of her was unbelievable normally, but at this point I was blown away. I couldn't believe that I had gotten so lucky.

"After you." I smiled and directed her to the other side. Placing the wine in her hands and a kiss on her lips, slightly proud of myself in the process. "It's a surprise where we're going so please don't ask me" I laughed, knowing the questions were about to flow from her lips.

"I wasn't going to, I know how stubborn you can be" she giggled, her eyes glistening in the light.

Absolute perfection, I thought.

Violet kept quiet as I drove, the silence was comfortable and I didn't feel as though we needed to chat much. My phone kept buzzing continuously since the last text and I decided to see who it was, pulling it out to take a look.

Max's name flashed against my screen, telling me he needed me for a job as soon as possible. I told him I couldn't this morning, but it seems as though Max never takes no for an answer. It wasn't hard for him to leave me alone for one day, but apparently he didn't feel the same way I did. I swear this man wanted to ruin my life in one way or another.

He persisted on the other side of the phone, threatening to come and find me if I don't show. I finally agreed to his nonsense, hoping he wouldn't find me and my secret be let lose to violet. One more job I had agreed to before I left it for good, before I left it for her. Which was worth more than any amount of money he could give me, I just hoped he would accept it..

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