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Violet's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning and there was still no word from Aiden. I had been stressing about him ever since he hung up last night. My fear for his safety was growing each minute I wasn't getting a response. But there was nothing I could do apart from wait. By now I had probably made his phone die, with the numerous amount of texts and missed calls I had left him.

Last night I hardly slept, because a nightmare I had about him getting hurt. Well it was more of a flashback to the night Max's men attacked him. That was a night I never wanted to remember ever again, it was horrible. And made my thoughts worse about where he could be, also if Max could've got him again. Even though he agreed on being 'friends'. But with a guy that looked as shifty as Max, you couldn't trust him as far as you could throw him.

I pushed my thoughts aside and got ready for the day ahead. Firstly I got in my shower, then once I was out I picked out a tight pair of blue jeans. Paired with a white crop top, since it was hot today. Then threw my hair up, trying not to be loud since they was all asleep still. I realized that I had to go to the grocery store, remembering my promise to myself last night. So I put on my coat and threw on some socks, then trainers.

After I was dressed and ready, also picked up the money I needed for the groceries. As soon as I reached outside the shadows on my front yard, I felt the hot sun beam down on me. Which felt amazing against my cold skin. As I walked down my street I noticed a car slowly trailing behind me. Fear crept through me as my thoughts over exaggerated the situation.

Maybe they'e going creepily slow for an innocent reason.

"Violet!" Someone hollared.

Or maybe not.

The car came to a holt and I could hear people climbing out. So I picked up my pace and walked further away from my house, which I realized was a stupid thing to do.

"Wait up!" The person shouted.

I carried on speeding away, until they grabbed my shoulder. Then turned me to face them and I screamed loudly in fear.

"Stop fucking screaming!" The boy yelled and covered his ears.

I stopped and looked at him, since it was obvious he was no harm to me. The boy was young and didn't seem that much older than me and Aiden. He had brown hair with a little stubble on his chin. His eye's looked tired, as if he had been up all night, but his brown eyes still stood out. He was a good looking guy, but he wasn't Aiden.

"Hi, i'm Harley." He said and extended his arm.

"I'm Violet..." I replied cautiously and shook his hand.

"Damn, I see why Aiden said you weren't my business." He chuckled, and eyed me up and down.

"Well if I ain't your business, then how'd you know about me?" I asked.

"Because I have a way of finding things out." He smiled, revealing a full set of pearly whites. Which made him ten times more attractive.

"Okay, so why're you here?" I questioned.

"Oh yeah, that. Do you know where Aiden is?" He responded.

"I thought you could find out shit?" I shot back.

"I - Shut up. Just do you know where he is or not?"

"No." I answered honestly.

"Well that sorts it then. See you later." He said as he began to walk back to his car.

"Wait!" I called after him and he stopped. He turned and raised an eyebrow. "Are you going to find him?"

"Yeah." He replied.

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