She deserves better.

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Violet's P.O.V

I looked at her wide eyes and was shocked by his words. I didn't know what to reply with.

"I didn't mean that!" He blurted out.

"Then w..hy did you say it?" I stuttered slightly.

"Because." He tried to think. "I don't know, I always say shit I don't mean." He shrugged, acting like he didn't care. But I could see past his bullshit.

"Where the fuck my cars!" We heard Kalin shout from around the way.

He ran towards the noise and I followed him to see what all the commotion was about. Kalin had Max on the hood of an expensive looking car. Max was struggling to get out of his grip, and you could see the only way he was going to get out of it was if Kalin let him. I stood in the crowd along with the bi-standers. Whilst Aiden and Harley stood by him, not even attempting to get him off or calm the situation down. I had no idea what was going on and I don't think the people surrounding the scene did either.

Once Aiden was in Max's view. Max then looked around, as if he was searching for someone. Then his eyes finally set on me. He gave a creepy smile, which gave me chills and freaked me out. Then something unexpected happened.

A hand wrapped around my mouth first, then torso. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. The people that were originally next to me had been pushed out of the way. They were replaced by around fifteen guys, that were followers of Max, which made my fear rise. I saw Kalin go to hit Max, then paused half way as he spoke.

"I wouldn't do that." Max smirked and turned his head to my direction.

Aiden's expression read fear as he noticed. Whereas Kalin and Harley's remained pissed off.

"Does it look like I care?" Kalin laughed, which kind of hurt. Then he swung his fist back to go and hit him again.

"Don't!" Aiden yelled in panic, making him stop mid-way.

"Why?" Kalin asked, looking madder than before.

"What do we have to do for you not to hurt her?" He said to Max, looking undoubtedly scared.

"First, let me go." He told him.

"Fuck n-"

"Do it." Aiden cut off Kalin, whilst locking his eyes on to mine.

"No!" He argued back.

"Do it now or I swear to god, I will kill you my fucking self!" Aiden scream at him with a serious look. That 'you don't wanna fuck with me right now' type of look.

The music that once filled the street, was now silenced. Everyone began to surround us and watch the scene un-fold. They seemed stunned by Aiden's reaction and I understood why. He never showed anybody, apart from me of course, his over - protective and caring side. This was a strange thing to see for the bi-standers standing around us. Their expressions were a weird mix of stunned and terrified.

Kalin dropped Max and he fell with a thump on to the car bonnet. He knew he would be in trouble if he disobeyed him. Just by his facial expressions, everybody knew he wasn't to be reckoned with.

Max found his feet and straightened his posture, also his jacket. Then smirked and walked in front of Aiden, who had his eyes trained on me.

"Now." Max chuckled. "I have one condition if I let her go."

Instead of struggling in the strangers arms, I relaxed and tried to listen.

"Go on." He replied in a serious tone.

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