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Aiden's P.O.V

I was outside the club waiting for Spencer to arrive. I had got here early so I wouldn't make Max mad, because I knew the consequences if I did.

"Aiden right?" A voice spoke.

I looked up to see a guy in his twenties staring at me, waiting for a reply.



"You're late." I told him.

"I know. Difference is, I don't have shit to lose like you." He said with a smirk.

"Just get in the car." I said, attempting to hold back my anger.

"Alright, shit. No need to get touchy kid."

"Shut up." I glared as we both entered my car.

"You ready to betray your friends?" He asked, as I started the ignition.

"Can you just not talk to me the whole ride? That'd be great, thanks."

I started driving to Kalins club and he listened to my request of not speaking. But that only lasted for a maximum of five minutes.

"You know you can't protect her forever right?" He spoke.

I didn't reply.

"I mean, he's gonna hurt her anyway." He said.


"Yeah. He hasn't said it, but we all know what he's like."

"He won't touch her." I growled.

"Okay, just looking out for you kid." He told me.

He stopped talking and the drive was now peaceful again. Except for the fact his words circled my thoughts.

Would Max do that? He wouldn't hurt her right?

My thoughts came to a stop as I pulled up outside the club. I tried to focus on the situation we was in, instead of Violets safety. But the thoughts still remained in the back of my mind.

We walked from the parking lot to inside the club. As we entered, we was greeted by loud music and the stench of sweat mixed with alcohol. The girls were already on stage putting on a show for the guys, whilst others were giving a privet one.

I scanned the bodies for Kalin or Harley, until I finally realised they wasn't in the main area.

"Come on." I told Spencer and he followed me.

I was taking him to Kalins office, since that was the only place they could've been if they were here. My nerves were rising and my heart was pounding. I knew their reactions was going to be bad. They had been my friends for years and now they're going to find out I betrayed them. After all they had done for me throughout the years, and I betray them.

I'm an asshole.

I pushed my thoughts and emotions aside as I barged into the room that revealed my two old friends.

"Nice of you to- Who the fuck is that?" Harley cut himself off.

"I'm Spencer, and we're here to talk about the cars." He replied.

"What?" Kalin said. "Aid, who the fuck is this guy?"

"This is Spencer Payne." I sighed.

"And what the fuck is he doing here with you!?" He shouted as they recognised the name.

"Because our boss-"

"Are you fucking kidding me!" Harley yelled and knocked over his chair as he shot up. "The fuck you mean our boss?"

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