Everything went dark.

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Aiden's P.O.V

I arrived at the strip club, since I knew that's where we was meant to meet. Kalin owned the joint and enjoyed that he did too. Surrounded by pretty chicks all day? I know I wouldn't mind. He had inherited the place from his uncle who passed a few years back. He was such a nice guy, always had a smile on his face. Shame he passed, it touched all of us in every way.

I walked into the building to see Harley getting a lap dance.

No surprise there.

"Excuse me." He said to the girl as I approached him, making her walk off.

"So you called me down here to see you get a lap dance?" I joked.

"Nah, she was just passing the time until you got here." He chuckled.

"Good. Because you interrupted me, so it's only fair you get no action too." I told him, still partially pissed off about that.

"Who was she anyway?" He asked, as we walked to Kalins office.

"A girl." I replied bluntly.

"No, really?" He faked gasped.

"Fine, it was a transvestite." I lied. He laughed in return and the conversation thankfully had to stop. Seeing as we had reached Kalins office and had to talk business. We entered and sat down in the two chairs in front of his desk, whilst he was his big chair.

I want the big chair, I thought.

He was on the phone and ignored us for the first few minutes. Then shouted down it. "Well fuck you then bitch!" And hung up.

"Asshole." He muttered as he stared at the screen.

"Who was that?" I asked with a smirk, knowing the answer already.


"Oh damn, he got baby mama drama." Harley joked and I laughed. But Kalin on the other hand, didn't find it amusing.

"Very funny." He said with a sarcastic tone.

"Well I found it funny." Harley shrugged.

"Me too." I said, "Guess he has no sense of humour."

"Enough of you guys shit." He raised his voice. "Let's get down to the real shit, Harley fill him in."

"Basically some pricks stole our shit from the lock-up. Six cars are missing, four un-used engines and fuck knows how many tools have been taken." He notified me.

"My car better still be there." I said, annoyed if it had been taken.

"No, we're lucky. Our cars were in the other garages. But one of Kalin's is gone, and we need to get it back. Hopefully before they look in the glove box." He told me.

"Why? What's in the - oh fuck sake!" I interrupted myself as I realized. "The stash." They both nodded. "I'm gonna kill the assholes!"

"Calm down." Kalin said.

"The fuck you mean calm down! Half our damn stash was stuffed in there. I need the money!" I shouted.

"If it's money you need i'll lend you some until we find it, it's no problem." He offered.

"No. I'm getting it back tonight." I decided.

No stash meant no business, and no business meant no money. Which meant no collage for Paige, no bills paid and no food. No way in hell was that happening.

"Aiden we don't even know who took it." He pointed out.

"Then we'll find out." I told him. "Let's go."

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