Her Hero

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Aiden's P.O.V

(A week later)

Oh how I loved staying at Spencer's, sarcasm was even coming out in my thoughts now.

I had been here for a week and I was ready to sleep on the streets at this point. Usually I'd be in bed whenever I liked anyway, but once I went to bed I was usually able to sleep.. here I wasn't. Instead there was the constant noise of music or the television, mostly voices of his random friends that decided they'd pop in at gone midnight.

I decided I couldn't complain much. Spencer was letting me live here rent free and even gave me a bed to sleep in, much more than my mum was doing at the moment. Everyday since I had tried to call her but it was no use, she had blocked my number after the third day and was refusing to speak to me. Even Violet wasn't answering the phone.. I guess Harley got to her.

I've left her texts, calls, WhatsApp's, messenger, dm's, it was no use. She still wouldn't reply to me. Most things she had blocked me on but my number wasn't one of them yet. I knew her and Harley were still together because of the word got around they had got over their "problems" which was code for me. But I guess he wanted to keep that under wraps that once again I nearly slept with his girlfriend. I mean it's kind of understandable that he hates me, even I slightly hate me.. slightly.

"Violet.. look I'm sorry. You came out at the wrong time and I'm sorry he found out that way. I know you're mad at me and I'll happily tell him it was all me. Some wrong things were said and I'm sorry for that. But I can't do anything to fix it now but please talk to me! I'm not the bad one here! If you really loved him you'd never have went with me, but you did! And that's because ever since we were ki-" I was cut off by the tone once again, my fifth voicemail of the day. She hadn't returned any of my previous calls but I thought it didn't hurt trying.

You fucked it this time, I thought.

My sisters wouldn't speak to me, my mum, violet. I thought of even going as far as calling my dad at this moment just to get some contact with a family member, but then I'd remember how much of a prick he was and immediately call one of the others again.

So there I laid, alone with only Spencer's divided attention and listened to his friends talk about how many girls they hooked up with for the seventh night in a row. It was 2am and I was in no way sleeping tonight. Spencer's was getting so bad that I had planned to go to school today or even call Harley to meet up. I didn't want to be here anymore, I wanted to go home. Like a child when they're sent of to camp to deal with asshole teachers and prays their mum will call and take them home, that was my everyday.

I decided that I would take a walk, clear my head. Considering I was not going to sleep I decided that it wasn't such a bad idea. So I grabbed my jeans, jacket and wallet just in case I happened to walk past an open store. Then I told Spencer I was heading out and before I heard his answer, the door was slammed and I went on my walk.

I had not considered how cold it would be when I made this decision. My hood was right on my head with my beanie underneath, sticking it in place. After walking in silence for a while I decided to put in my earphones, so the sound of G-easy flooded through my ears and I could walk peacefully.

In the distant I saw a couple walking and thought nothing of it, last thing I needed was a man trying to start with me over his girlfriend again. I figured I'd rather just walk on the opposite side of the street and attempt to avoid them.

My plan was going exceptionally well until I heard shouting louder than my music coming from the guy. I recognised the voice but couldn't put my finger on it. So I decided to sit on a wall and see how the situation played out. I mean I'm no hero, far from it actually, but if a women's in trouble then I'll sure as hell be there.

"What, was you gonna go fuck him too!" The guy screamed in her face. 

The girl started to cry, even though they were about four metres away from me I could tell. By the way her body shook and she back-stepped a few times when he edged close to her. Her had went up to her eyes as she wiped away the tears. It kind of reminded me of what Violet used to do.. when she wanted to talk to me. The girl was now backed up against a wall while the heavens opened up soaking all of us. 

"I was just being friendly.." She spoke with fear and once again I recognised the voice. 

With each word she spoke I could see the anger grew inside him quickly and he edged even further towards her. I hadn't noticed that my jacket was completely drenched until I flipped my hood off so I could see clearer as to who these people were. "Oh friendly right? Just like you were the other day?" He slammed his fist on the wall next to her and she flinched. I would've stepped in there but I wanted to see how this situation played out. 

"That was a mistake, you know this!" She screamed, once again bringing back that familiar feeling. "It wasn't meant to happen.. It never should've happened." She sounded so unsure of her statement. 

"So you're telling me that if he was here right now and you had to chose, you'd chose me?" He shouted as he lowered his face to hers. "Answer me!" 

"Yes!" She cried as he clenched her wrists and pinned her against the wall. "Please let go.." 

"I bet you didn't mind him touching you?" The guy laughed and his fingers dug deeper in her skin. "I mean how long was it going on? Go on, be honest with me." He pushed up against her. "Cause right now I could do anything I want and he isn't here to save you." 

I recognised the voice so much that it irritated the hell out of me. I knew he wouldn't do anything while I was here despite the fact he hadn't seen me yet. He leaned to her left side and finally she saw me, not that I could make out her face or who she was. Until her hood flipped off by his hand and revealed my weakness. I stared at her... frozen.. the girl I had been waiting to hear from for a week now, the whole reason I went on this walk to escape my thoughts about her. Her eyes begged me to save her and my body was completely still. His hands climbed her legs and began to unbutton her jeans. I couldn't move.. only this girl could make me react this way. 

"AIDEN!" She screamed and my instinct kicked in. Running faster than Harleys' gaze could reach me and I had him on the floor in seconds. She never said a word as my fist pounded into his face, blood splattering everywhere. Harley laid there, completely defeated just taking everything that came his way and with one last jab to the jaw I regained my composure. 

I took Violets hand, not exchanging words as we left Harley back there and I led her to Spencer's apartment. She was cold and shivering as I un-done my coat, placing her inside of it with me to keep her warm. My beanie now firmly placed on her head with her hood shielding it from the rain. My gloves now clothing her hands and only then I was happy; she was completely protected from anything. 

She stopped walking and stared into my eyes.. 

"I love you.." I said. 

"I know.." 

And at that moment she realised something that subconsciously she knew... I would always be her hero. 

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