She calls me daddy too.

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Aiden's P.O.V


You have to be completely emotionless.

I repeated in my head as I made sure there was no trace of me crying. My puffy eyes had died down and I had made the water disappear from them. My lips were in a tight line as I put my poker face on, then I was ready.

I finally got out the car and walked to Max's doorstep. Then rang the bell and waited for an answer. After it finished singing its little song, one of his 'employees' answered. He was a young boy, around my brothers age. The kid was around my height too. I stood at 6ft, whilst he was probably around 5'11. His build was sort of the same as mine, just a little less sculpted.

"You're Aiden right?" He spoke.

"The one and only." I smirked.

"Come in." He told me. As I looked at him I noticed his eyes held guilt, but I didn't understand why.

"Why're you looking so guilty?" I asked, quietly so no one else heard.

"We'll talk later." He mumbled.

I nodded and walked past him. Then into the living room, where I knew Max would be. He was sat there talking to his 'workers' with a glass of whiskey in his hand. Then stopped when he noticed my presents, and peered down at his wristwatch.

"You're on time." He smiled.

"Of course." I shrugged, and placed my hands in my pockets.

"I like that, it's professional."

"So how comes you wanted me here now?" I questioned.

"To meet your new friends." He replied and guest weed to the people in the room. All of them were around my age, and most looked so vulnerable. "Sit down and enjoy yourself. Work begins tomorrow." He told me, then resumed his conversation.

I knew what I wanted to do, but it wasn't sit with anybody in this room. I wanted to talk to that kid. So I re-traced my steps and went to where he was. I found him in the same place, by the door and approached him.

"We said we'd talk." I reminded him, who still looked riddled with guilt.

"Umm.. Yeah.." He trailed off, scratching the back of his head nervously.

"So, why the guilty conscience?" I asked.

"Your girlfriend." He mumbled.

"Trust me, she ain't my girl." I admitted.

"Too bad. I wish I had a chick like her." He said and I gave a low growl. "Not like that!" He panicked.

"What like then?" I glared.

"I held her.. The night you got beat up." He whispered, I guessed I wasn't meant to know. "She cares about you a lot. So much that when you got knocked out, she crawled on the floor and laid with you.  Most girl would've left you there and ran shitless."

"She did that?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah man, we watched her do it. But we weren't aloud to step in." He told me. "You've got a keeper there."

"The fuck would you know? You don't know her." I snarled, my anger rising. It was mostly because he was right and what I did was wrong.

"I know she loves you." He gulped.

I lost it.

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