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Aiden's P.O.V

I laid silently while she slept in my arms. This is the first bit of sleep I had since getting kicked out of my mums and I couldn't have asked for a better one. She wriggled in my arms as her nose twitched, the same thing she had been doing since I met her. My heart melted at the sight of her and electricity sparked through it with each movement she made. The way she mumbled my name in her sleep showed me I was the one in her thoughts.

But I wasn't sure if she was just as in love with me as I was her, or if she was in love with me at all. The only thing I knew for sure was that I loved her and nothing would stop me from doing that no matter how far she was from me. I fell in love with her so long ago and yet it had only got stronger with time. Strength, trust and comfort was what we had always been built on. She had always had a hold on me, from the minute I met her I fell as deep as I could so quickly without warning, and everyone since her was just a number. Just another person to add to the list, but I knew her name would always be at the top.

She was the one I had always wanted and I won't stop until shes the one I have. I knew now wasn't the right time to make any moves. She would hate me if I tried anything right now but I couldn't resist touching her. My fingers softly touched her hair, brushing it from her face as she stirred in the most adorable way. Her eyes fluttered open and she snuggled into me more, sighing as she saw me but it wasn't a sigh of any negative feelings, it was a sigh of comfort.

"Good morning." She muffled as she nuzzled into my chest.

"How are you feeling today?" I asked her, more concerned if she was okay with this.

"I'm great, better now i'm here with you." She replied and giggled. Staring up into my eyes like she wanted to say more than just that but didn't know how to. She looked at me with pure awe and I had no idea why, brushing tiny hairs from my eyes as she studied my face. Her fingers intertwined with mine as she leaned forward, her lips getting closer to mine... The tips of her fingers brushing through my hair.

That's when I lost all control...

I fell deep under her spell and even deeper into the kiss. My hands tangled in her hair as I pulled her closer to me. The passion I had for her ignited inside me and it done its usual thing and took over. I lost all my inhibitions and I wanted all of her, for as long as I lived. At this moment she was mine and mine only. I hoped it would always stay that way forever. Being like this with her for a moment wasn't enough for me, it was selfish but I wanted to keep her to myself. I didn't want anyone else to touch her, speak to her, I just wanted her to stay with me.

"Aiden.." She paused. "I can't do this.. I mean with how you are." I gave her a puzzled look back and longed for her to kiss me again. "I don't want this unless you're fully committed and that means giving up this life your living. If we're together it will affect me too."

"I'll give it up, if that means I get to keep you forever." I said without any doubt in my mind. I knew what I wanted and if this is what I had to do to get it then so be it. I'm not going to put anything else before her because nothing else mattered. Being rich didn't matter, fighting didn't matter, the adrenaline rush didn't even matter, my high and kick was staring right in front of me telling me to give it all up and in a heartbeat I did. I refused to lose her again, even if that meant losing myself in the process.

"You promise?" She asked.

"I promise."

She kissed me again and again until we both were breathless. I was happy and so was she. Harley may have a hard time dealing with it but I didn't care at that moment. All I cared about was me and her, not even me, just her.. In my eyes it was all about her. Everything in my world only revolved around her and she had been the one to keep me going for this long, I was hoping that would still continue and be a long term thing.

She bettered herself for herself, but mine will be for her. Violet had already went through the battle of forgetting her old life and I was just starting mine, but I knew with her help it would happen. She was my strength and my weakness. The sunshine to the darkest days and no matter what she would keep me on cloud nine. Whether she was with me or just friends just having her there made all the difference and I couldn't imagine losing her again. I think I'd go crazy if I had to.. That I just wouldn't be able to live anymore if she was gone.

I cursed at the thought, knowing i'd protect her with my life and if anyone were to go first it would be me. Whether that be by her side or on my own. There was no doubt in my mind that I would give up my life so she could live hers and in my head that was the point it was coming to. I knew Max would be unhappy about me leaving that life but he would have to understand that I not wanted to, but needed to. A Lot had happen since me and Violet were kids, serious things that she had no idea of. I don't think she realised the repercussions that would come with me leaving.. I know in Max's mine I was never allowed to.. but in my mind I had to.. for her.

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