The End

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Aiden's P.O.V 

My fingers dialled Violets number and my speaker boomed the sound through the car. She picked up and my heart beat calmed as I heard her speak. "Hey, is everything okay?" My breaths slowed down and tears brimmed in my eyes. "What would you say if I asked you to come with me, no questions asked?" I asked her, and she stuttered. "Ermm.. Aiden, what's going on-" 

"Violet would you pack your bags and come with me, yes or no?" I repeated, looking around to see if anyone was tailing me as I approached her street. "I'm about a minute away and if the answers yes I need you to pack your bags and come with me, if not then this is goodbye and I really don't wanna say that again. Please don't make me say it again." Desperation overtook my voice as I pleaded in my head for her to say yes, for her to leave everything again but come with me this time. 

My heart beated as I waited for an answer, the tears streamed down  my face as I thought of every reason for her to say no, every reason she could say no. She had left me before, but this time I was asking her to leave with me. To start a new life, but with me this time... the life we always planned with everything bad taken out the picture and just us covering the frame. Just in the frame, no one else and our new life. It was all I had ever wanted, to have her all to myself. 

"When and where are we going?" I sighed in relief as she spoke the words I longed to hear and heard shuffling behind the phone as she started to pack. "I'm not sure yet, a different town or country. Somewhere no one can find us and it's just us. A fresh start away from this town and everyone in it." I spoke allowed my dreams and I could sense her smiling behind the phone. "I'm outside, open the door for me. I'll see you in a sec, I love you." She repeated the words back to me as I shut the engine off outside her house. 

I got out of the car and ran towards her door, watching everything around me as I did. Everything was going to go perfect, it had to. Spencer would keep Max away long enough for us to run and then we would both be free. Freedom was all I wanted with her, just to be in complete happiness for the both of us. Just to be with her... indefinitely. 

"I love you." I told her as I walked through the door, picking her up and spinning her in my arms. "I love you too Aiden.. I'm ready." She smiled, placing a small peck on my lips. "Are you sure?" I asked her, worried that she might regret her decision once it was too late. "I'm one hundred percent sure, I'm not leaving you again Aiden. It was hard enough the first time and I can't do it again." She reassured me and I smiled, ready to begin our lives together. "I'll put your bags in the car, wait here." 

I grabbed her bags and a suitcase, wheeling it towards the boot of the car and then placed it all in. A smile came to my face as I packed them in the back and shut it, breathing for a second before I looked back at the house and was ready to get her. Our new life awaited just around the corner, it was now just the matter of going to get it. "Violet, come to the car." I called, attempting not to shout. 

She came out and shut the door behind her, a smile held on her face and a sparkle in her eyes. Every look I gave her I fell in love with her all over again and my grinned reached my ears as excitement made its way through me. She walked towards me, a skip in her step and excitement in her eyes. "I love you so muc-" 


Her mouth filled with blood as she dropped to the floor, blood splattering across the white door and painted the walls. I ran towards her and my whole world slowed down, my ears no longer listening to anything apart from searching for her breaths as her pulse began to die. My hands drenched in blood as I held her neck, waiting for a movement. Her lifeless eyes stared at me and skin paling as I tried to find a way to fix her. 

I frantically took my shirt off, pressing it against the wound hoping the blood would stop pouring out of her. Every neighbour was now surrounding us and her parents stood there in hysterics as I held their baby in my arms, my baby as she was now lifeless. Screaming filled my ears and the sound of sirens as the emergency services sped to the scene. 

Despite everything going on around me.. I just held her in my arms, slowly rocking back and fourth as everyone watched on. My head resting against hers, wrapping her close to me as her skin grew colder and stared into her eyes, wishing she would come back. "Please.." I whispered, hoping if I wished hard enough she would regain life and come back to me. My one true love.. the girl I was nothing without... the start and the end off me. 

I looked up and made eye contact with her mum who thrashed around in her dads arms as she cursed at me, naming me everything under the sun as she blamed me for violet. He held her back as he feet tried to reach me and her arms swung for me. 

But all I could say was.. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.."

I looked down at her eyes one last time and placed my fingers on her eyelids, shutting them as tears poured out of mine. Then placed a kiss on her head... then her lips as the blood began to stain them, the warmth replaced with stiff and frozen skin. 

"I love you... forever and always" 

The End. 

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