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Aiden's P.O.V

Violet gave me a worried look as I paid for the bill quickly, little did she know I was running a tight schedule. As much as I loved spending time with her I needed to protect her, whether she knew that or not. "Aiden are you okay?" She asked, touching my hand across the table.

"Yeah I'm fine, sorry I forgot I committed to something with Spencer tonight. I'm sorry, I double booked." I lied, feeling immediately guilty about the situation. Then she asked me what and I froze, realising how much of an idiot I was. "Erm.. studying.. stuff and shit" I nodded, agreeing with my stupid response.

She didn't believe me one bit and I could tell it, but that was the least of my concerns right now. Max was my biggest problem to deal with. The text were growing more and more in my inbox the longer I stayed here. Threats flooded my screen as he threatened my whole life and put it on the line.

"If you're in trouble, you can tell me." She said with a worried look, her hand tightening around my mine as she stared deep into my eyes. "I won't be mad as long as I know what's going on." As much as I wanted to believe it was the truth, I knew it wasn't. "I promise you, I'm fine. I just need to help him with something for school, that's it. I'll call you tonight so you know i'm okay." I lied again, guilt swallowing me whole with every word and my lies twisting into a never ending cycle. 

"Okay, as long as that's the truth." She nodded as we rose from our seats and made our way to the door, my phone vibrating with every step. "I can drive myself home if you'd like? Your phone seems busy, he's obviously struggling." She offered with a caring smile and I brushed my fingers on her face, smiling back at her. "Are you sure? I'll call you later on." I questioned and kissed her lips, the fire inside me igniting by her touch. "Yeah, i'll call a cab. Be safe." 

I gave her one last kiss before I got in the car and drove off towards Max's, anexity crept up my spine. My phone stopped blowing up as soon as I texted saying I was on my way, it always did when he realised he had got what he wanted. Spencer pulled up next to me at the lights in the passanger seat of someone else's car, the engine revving as they challenged me to a race. I sat in my seat watching the lights as the colour changed, ignoring their request and then we sped the same way until we reached Max's house. 

My eye's darkened as I saw him and a smirk held on his face as we all stepped out of our cars. "Did you enjoy date night kid?" He laughed and everyone else joined. "So sorry I had to ruin it, but business calls right? Now let's get down to it." He clapped his hands together as mine balled into fists, a look of guilt was thrown at me by Spencer who made it clear he had told Max of my whereabouts of this evening. 

"Two cars, a lot of money. I want them and not a scratch on them. Understand boys?" He raised a brow as he told us. Stealing was something I was skilled at and would be even more so now I was leaving. "This is my last job." I spoke up and everyone's head turned to me. "I'm serious, after this I'm done." 

Max laughed and walked towards me with a sinister look on his face, a look of pure evil as he grimiced. "You're done? You really think you can leave this?" Anger ran through me as I stepped up to him, our breath on each others faces. "Yes Max, I am done after this. What don't you get about this?" I repeated, not cowering down as he attempted to intimidate me. "If you leave Aiden, your life's over. Now get on with my job and fix your attitude kid." He pushed me back slightly and turned his back to me, walking away. 

"Fine, don't believe me. But I promise you, I am done." I threw my hands up and walked back to the car. "We'll see kid.. anyway, the cars are parked at two houses. Spencer and Lucas have the address so you two." He nodded his head towards me and the other random standing besides me. "Can pick one of them to go with and find one each, you have an hour. Shouldn't be hard." 

"Why an hour?" The random kid questioned, looking slightly worried about the situation. "Well because I promised to sell them in an hour, so times ticking." Max responded, annoyance clear in his voice. "Get on with it for fuck sake, I don't understand why you're all still standing here. Did you not hear me or something!" He shouted and the boy made a dart for Lucas's car, while Spencer made one for mine. 

"Ermm I don't know who you're coming with." I said as he reached for the handle. "You've made it clear who's side your on, now give me the address and fuck off." I told him and he jumped in the passangers side despite my request. I huffed and smacked my hand on the car, then got in myself and gave him a look of disgust. "Switching sides, how classy." I commented as I drove out of the drive and towards Downtown. 

"You act like I wanted to, it's hard to communicate when you ignore all my calls and texts." He started, then pointed left to direct me. "You know you can't get out of this right? He wont let you after everything you know." He told me and I laughed in response. "Why is it any of you two's concern what I do? If I wanna leave, I wanna leave." 

"I'm serious Aiden, you will die if you leave. One way or another you're fucked, do you not understand that?" He went on and seemed worried for me, like a brother would be. Except someone that has betrayed you can no longer be classed as family in my eyes. "Do you know something I don't?" I asked, waiting for an honest answer while he directed me down two more roads. "No..." He said sheepishly, attempting not to make eye contact me with and I pulled the car to a holt when we reached our destination. "Why would I be?" 

"Because you're acting like you're the one he's asked to kill me if I go. Are you?" I wondered and he stiffed up. "Cause you know I'll kill you first right? Trust me on that one Spencer, I'm not one to fuck with." I warned him and left the car, then retrieved the tools from the back for the job. "I'd never do that to you Aiden, but I know he has something planned for you and If you don't get away before it's too late you're dead. That'll all I know, I'm sorry." 

We stood outside the car and I wipe the sweat of my head, wondering what my next move should be. My thoughts ran wild as I wondered whether to stay or go, until I finally decided. "If I stay, I die right? Like either way he said i'm dead didn't he?" I pressed Spencer as my mind went into overdrive. "Yeah but-" I cut him off. "i've gotta go." I jumped in the car and slammed the door. 

"Wait! Where are you going?" He stressed, pulling at the door after I locked it. "Aiden this is a bad move, he's gonna find you no matter where you go. You realise you're fucked either way, i've never seen anyone escape him." He warned me, eyes filled with worry as he pulled at the handle and tried to snake his hand through the window to lift the lock. "I know, but before he does i'll be gone and I promise he won't find me. You'll make sure of that right? If there's one thing you can do for me, it's keeping this secret until he finds out." I stared at him, waiting for a reaction and all my desperation went into that sentence. I hoped this was the last and final thing he would do for me, before everything was gone and most of all... before I was gone. 

"Of course man, but where are you going?" He asked and I started the engine, my knuckles white as I held the steering wheel. "I'm going to get Violet before it's too late for me." 

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