"Do you think we should?.."

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Aiden's P.O.V

(The next day)

I was once again fighting with my mom over last night. Even though she knew my actions weren't wrong, she didn't condone it in front of Imogen. It was like she thought I planned it or something.

"Get up, you're going to school!" She yelled as she slammed the front door.

It was 9am and I was already late, not that she cared. She acted like I took too much time off when in reality it was only around a month off each grade, I don't think that's too bad.

But instead of making her more mad at me I jumped out of bed and prepared for my boring day ahead. My phone began to ring on my bed and I saw Max's name flash on the screen.

"Aiden, I need you to come meet me now." He told me.

"Sorry, can't. I got school." I replied, knowing that wasn't a valid reason to him.

"So? You can go school any day of the week, this can't wait." He exclaimed down the phone.

My phone started vibrating against my ear as another person was calling me, that person being Spencer.

"Hold that though." I chirped and answered the other call while Max cursed at me down the line.

"Whatup." I answered.

"Max is pissed." He responded.

I started laughing down the phone as he was stating the obvious. He ran me through everything, about how there was money to find, lessons to teach and cars to jack. But instead of doing all that I decided to be the good little boy my mom wanted and hung up on both of them, knowing I would regret it later.

Twenty minutes later I was dressed and ready to leave. I done the dishes before I left to make mom happy, even though there was no chance in that. My boredom was settling in as I got in my car and began the drive to hell.

My teacher was surprised to see me as I entered the classroom and nearly passed out when I apologised for being late. She stood there shell-shocked as the apology came out of my mouth, whilst I lazily took a seat next to Violet. Not that she wanted me to.

"Why do you have to sit next to me." She whispered.

"Because you're the only person I like in this entire school." I shrugged.

Heather, my teacher, shushed me as she heard me talking, which earned her a cold glare. She took this as a signal to quit bothering me and carry on teaching her class, which was the reaction I was hoping for.

"So...how's things with you and Harley?" I smirked.

"Good." She said bluntly.

"Does he know?" I asked.

"No, and he's not going to either." She confirmed.

"I think I should come round tonight." She gave me a glare. "Not for that... to talk about shit. Just us."

She sat there for a minute and considered it. Her pen tapped on the table as she watched the front of the class, but wasn't paying attention.

"Fine." She agreed and I smirked.

"Good girl." I winked and she blushed. 

(After school)

We had just got to hers and I could feel it was awkward. Her parents were out leaving the house to ourselves until tonight around eight.

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