"No comment"

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Aiden's P.O.V

I was so glad to be back into my usual environment, cuffed and in an interview room being interrogated by the police. Just how I liked it... not.

"Aiden we've been sat here for hours... just admit what you did and let's me go home." The officer said, now tired of my shit.

"No comment.." I replied for the thousandth time. "You're gonna have to let me go at some point." I shrugged.

Another officer entered the room and called for the other one to follow him. So I was left to sit here with the weird one that just stared at me.

"What? Problem?" I raised an eyebrow, he just continued to stare. "If you're trying to be intimidating it's not gonna work, it's actually really fucking creepy. Do you do this shit all the time? Like seriously you're creeping me the fuck out. You should win the record for creepiest tinder date of all time because shit I'm surprised you're a cop with a face like that. You look like a creepo that you're meant to arrest."

No reaction, not even a twitch. This guy was good... to good...

The other officer, DC dipshit was the nickname, walked back through looking straight at me.

"Aiden Prescott you are being arrested under the suspicion of assult-"

"What the fuck? I didn't do shit!" I resisted the arrest. He continued to speak as I thrashed myself around. "I haven't done anything! You have no evidence! All I've done is get checked out by Mr. Creepo here!"

Both of them grabbed each arm while another held the door open for them to take me through.

"IM NOT GOING DOWN FOR THIS SHIT!" I shouted and lifted my lower half up, pressing my legs against the door frame so they couldn't get me through. That's when the third officer finally helped them by holding onto my legs.

"Well maybe if you spoke to us instead of shouting abuse we could get you off, but you decided to be an asshole!" Dipshit replied.

I struggled in their arms as three of them held me, thrashing around vigorously. Then I finally saw my lord and saviour walking down the corridor, calming me almost instantly. "Tom!" My voice echoed round the room. "Tom!"

He turned, looking slightly amused that I was once again in cuffs. "Why is he here again?" He asked his fellow officers. They explained as to why I was in the air and being carried like a bride on her wedding day, just less gracefully.

"Well, let me get involved. I'll do the interrogation." He said, making dipshit lose his rag.

"That against protocol. We can't just have you do the interrogation! There's rules Thomas!" He freaked out.

I sat there, bored and tired of this. The amount of times I had been either locked up or in a room like this was countless. After a while you start to get tired of it and wonder if there's anymore that outside these four walls. As they bickered my mind drifted to her.. the girl that this was all over. I don't think she will ever forgive me.

5 hours later..

Arriving home I was waiting in anticipation for my mums reaction, the amount of times I had been taken down to the station year i'd be surprised if she wasn't done with it. Spencer had bailed me out and was now driving me home. The whole time he had been quiet as if he knew something I didn't.

Instead of calling my mum inside my one call had been to him, luckily he picked up straight away and had money at hand by the courtesy of Max. My head was lent against the window and pain ran through it. I couldn't tell if the fight had caused it or stress, most likely stress with the amount I was worrying about going home.

No matter how much shit I had done, or got in trouble with the police none of it would've embarresed my mum like this. I had slept with her neighbours daughter and beat someone to a pulp across from our house. Atleast when my dad came round everything was behind closed doors, but this was all out in the open. People had witnessed the fight, even children, they had witnessed the arrest and every curse I uttered from my mouth.

We pulled up onto the drive to see black bags stacked outside, I grew confused while Spencer gave me a sympathetic look.

"What?" I asked him.

"You should go talk to your mum, I'll wait here." He told me.

I gave him a worried look and slowly walked up to the door. My key no longer was working and so my fist began to pound on the door. She answered within minutes and told me to come inside. Her face only held a blank expression and confusion washed over me. The house had glass everywhere from smashed picture frames and I noticed my sisters were nowhere to be found.

"I'm kicking you out." She told me.

"Why?" I asked.

She threw her coffee cup against the wall and stared at me with anger. " You're really wondering why!" She screamed. "I have had enough of you Aiden! Enough! I though you would change but you never ever will!" Tears brimmed in her eyes. "The drugs! The fights and all the illegal money! I am so done with it! I never ever wanted you to turn out like this!"

"Everything I've ever done has been for you!" I shouted, making her flinch. Anger ran through me as she acted like she had been a victim to all of my actions instead of benefitting of them. "You know what.. it's fine, have fun being evicted." We're my last words before I left.

I walked outside, grabbing sacks as I made my way over to the car. Spencer was silent, luckily I didn't want to hear his opinion on the situation. He had already told me I could crash at his as I loaded the car and I was fine with that for the moment.

Truthfully I didn't want my mum to struggle, but that was the least of my worries, the real worry was about my sisters. I felt guilty, like I had done something beyond words. When in all honesty the only thing I did was keep us from losing the house and our lives. Before I used to wonder if I was doing something bad but seeing my sisters face when I got them something knew pushed them thoughts far back.. until now.

But I guess I was meant to be on my own..

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