Roots extended far beyond the illusion of sight. Set not in dust but in stone. Are these roods that of good nature or that of which bring unfathomable disaster? To its host supplying life, but is it a light worth living? The life supplied is that which breeds hatred and self -loathing. To cut these roots set in stone means death, but to continue down this road of uncertainty surely means death, but to continue down this road of uncertainty surly means death. Few remain that sustain love and are weakening day by day to whom the roots belong. Truly they are strengthened but it is blinded by shadows of sorrow. Thoughts of finally breaking free soar like birds in flight, but are abound here never to be freed. Unfathomable disaster looms in the shadows and the light fighting it dims day by day. Fear replaces the will to fight many times. Roots extended far beyond the illusion of sight. The stone breaks and a new hope rises, but the battle has only begun. A new battle, a struggle begun anew. Cutting these roots slowly and replacing them with a light long forgotten.
Depths of my mind
RandomCompilation of things ive written. PLease don't steal and if you want to use it just ask :) Please give it a read. There are darker themes within this, so please be aware of that.