Chapter 2

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"George, wait up!" Aedan called.
I didn't notice he was waiting at the front door of our room as I exited at the back.
"Hey there Genius! How does it feel like to graduate with a Magna Cum Laude on your belt?" He smirked
I rolled my eyes in response.
"Same old, same old." And then I gave out a soft chuckle.
"So, what are your plans after graduation?" He asked
"Probably endure a night of smiling like the Joker to my parents' guests and getting busy deflating my continuously inflating head with all the congratulations and praises that I would get." I grinned.

Now it was his turn to roll his eyes then he suddenly blocked my way prompting me to stop dead on my tracks and look at him with big, round eyes, not concealing any hint of my surprise.
His face was just a few inches from mine as I looked up to meet his gaze. I swallowed hard feeling as though my throat had suddenly dried up. I tried to hide my awkwardness with our proximity, but to no avail as my own body betrayed me by staining my cheeks with tomato red.
My reaction was to his liking as he grinned in response.
I took a step back and groaned. I knew he did it on purpose because he knew Im uncomfortable with intimate distances. My personal space is sacred as its like my invisible fortress, my comfort zone, thats why any forms of invasion is unwelcome.
"You know thats not what Im talking about." He said seriously, all the playfulness gone from his face now.
Aedan has been pursuing me for almost a year now. We go to the same University in Limerick and while I'm completing my degree in Food Science and Health, he, on the other hand, is on his third year in Medicine.
We've been great friends and he's the closest thing to a relationship that I've ever had. He's special and I really like him------ a lot. However, I know my priorities and I don't want to risk anything when it comes to my education. I already turned him down before because I didn't want to keep him dangling regardless of my feelings, but I guess his patience goes a long way.

He knows that I'm not just playing hard to get as I never committed myself in any relationship ever since. He even said that he's willing to wait for a very long time because to be my first boyfriend would be worth it. Im not going to pretend that it did't make my heart flutter, but at the same time, the skeptic part of me was raising an eye brow wondering, "Am I really that great?! Is becoming my first boyfriend going to make him millions that he believes the 'long wait' will be worth it?!" However, I just shove that snide thought somewhere deep and hidden, where it belongs.
Aedan is a great guy.
He never pressured me into putting a label on whatever thing we got going. We just enjoyed each other's company. However, my graduation plans are causing some major issues between us.
When he found out about my post graduation job offers, thats when he started to become a little persistent, if I were to put it lightly.
I thought 3 months would be long enough to come up with a decision, but I was wrong. It came by so fast that it felt like a day has just passed and I am to give a probable life-altering decision.
"You know it's not an easy decision for me to make. I have a lot to consider because its going to be my first career move and I would like for it to count."

"Then when are you going to come up with a decision? Today is officially your last day of school and you will be graduating in less than two weeks." Aedan said with a lace of frustration in his voice.

"I know. I promise I will give my answer on your birthday."

My stomach suddenly tightened in surprise.
That will be 2 days before my graduation!
I just set the date of my execution.
I wasn't really thinking. It just suddenly came out of my mouth caused by the sudden flood of overwhelming guilt.
Perhaps, I owe him that. Yup. Probably.

His face lit up like its Christmas. He flashed his most adorable smile and hugged me. I grunted and tried to push him. He just gave out a whole-hearted laugh and let go of me. Just as I released a sigh of relief, he stole a peck on my cheek and ran. I was stunned. When I recovered, I chased him.

"Aeden Sullivan, you're going to pay for that!"

"Oh, name your price!" He smirked while facing me and running backwards.
I couldn't keep up even if I was half running already.
What could the short legs of my 5'3" frame do to out run the long athletic legs of a 6 footer? If he's tall and fast, then I will have to make use of what I have to my advantage.
"Ouch!" I whimpered while grimacing.
I tripped and landed on all four---- With a little bit of intent, though. He was already kneeling in front of me even before I looked up. He held my elbows and pulled me up. His brows were furrowed and his big brown eyes were wide with concern.
"Hey. Are you okay?"
My sly smile appeared as fast as my sucker punch landed. He doubled over and held onto his stomach.

"No fair! That was a cheap shot, Georgina!"

I just stuck my tongue out and ran for my life.I know whats coming and I'll just regret later. I have to focus on one thing and that is running.
I was a few steps away from the women's restroom when I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and in a second, I was already off the ground.
He slung me over his broad shoulder.
Thank goodness for jeans!

"Put me down you Ape or else!"
I was pinching his back so hard, but he just grunted and ran towards the parking lot. I wanted to kick him so bad, but I was scared that he might accidentally drop me and I have no plans of letting my face get intimately acquainted with the pavement.
I heard a beep and then a car door opened. He put me inside of the car and as soon as my butt hit the seat my fist flew and landed on his arm. Discontented, I pinched his sides very hard.

"Ow.. Ow.. Ouch!" He yelped

"That's what you get for carrying me like a timber, you brute!"

" You were the one who's been bruising me in the past half an hour and I am the one who gets to be called brute." He complained while rubbing the parts that I pinched.
I just realized that I was being too violent already and I suddenly felt apologetic. My face suddenly warped into one with concern.
"Oh my, I forgot that you easily bruise. Can I see your back?" I said while reaching for the hem of his shirt and making him twirl.
"What are you doing? Not in here, please" he teased.
I playfully hit his arm and grunted. He just let out a laugh and turned.
When I raised his shirt I gasped. Two fist-size area turned crimson. I traced my fingers on the developing bruises as if trying to make it feel better and he slightly jerked in surprise.
"I am really sorry" I said sincerely.
He tilted my chin up and looked into my eyes. "Hey, its nothing, okay? I could just sneeze and bruise already, so its no big deal. Don't feel bad. Besides, I had it coming. If its my toll to pay, then I'd even gladly offer my face for you to punch. Its worth it." And then he winked.
I smiled and tried to stand up, but he held onto my shoulders.
"Hey, I have to go. I don't want to miss the rail."
While Aedan lives a few blocks away from school, I, on the other hand, reside in a different town. Im from Ennis, which is about an hour or so by bus and around half an hour by rail from Limerick.
"I know and that will not be a problem because I will be driving you home."

"Uh, first of all, No, you will not be driving me home, second, why do you want to drive me home?" I asked
"Uhm, okay, first of all, yes, I will be driving you home. I already called mrs. Quinn and asked for her permission to invite you over dinner. Its a celebratory dinner for your last day in school. Second, as my part of the bargain, I will be driving you home and I must bring with me a slice of pumpkin pie from her favorite bakeshop." He answered
This is unbelievable. My mom sold me out for a piece of pumpkin pie. Well, I guess he had earned their trust. But then, its a long drive!
"If you're thinking about complaining then stop right there. Ive driven longer distances and its not up for argument." He interrupted
"But you're tired from your class and you still have to get up early tomorrow for your hospital hours."
"Come on, George. Its not like I will be losing sleep by driving you home. I can manage that. I would rather endure two hours of driving than an hour of waiting anxiously for your safe arrival in your home. Plus, it would be nice to have an excuse to give your mom a little treat since she's been quite stressed out with the preparations for yours and Kyna's joint graduation party."

I felt a certain warmth on my chest. Aedan truly is very caring, sweet, and thoughtful. He even remembered my younger sister's high school graduation.

"Alright, then."

I think its the right time to take things to the next level. Whether things will work out between us or not, I think I'll have no regrets with him. He's worth it.

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