Chapter 13

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After helping me unpack my stuff, Teagan and I had lunch on a nearby restaurant then bought some groceries and necessities. He drove me around the area to familiarize myself with the location of the nearest mall, grocery store, restaurant, church, station house, hospital, park, and my workplace.

He wrote on a piece of paper all the possible emergency numbers in Cork along with his office landline, apartment landline, and cellphone number and pinned it on the wall. He even put his cellphone number on speed dial, as if in the unfortunate event of a burglary or the like, he could just teleport his way here. I wanted to roll my eyes as he enumerated the safety measures inside the house from fire prevention to home security, but I didn't because it would only pave way to another long lecture of real life outside the comforts of our home. I just sighed then smiled when he finished his oration.

"Don't you flash your fake smile at me. You listen carefully and remember everything that I told you!" He said in an annoyed manner.

"Yes, yes. make sure the doors are locked and the gas is off before I go to bed." I said in a condescending manner which garnered a growl from him.

"Don't patronize me, Georgina! You are new to this kind of life and you better listen. I am only saying this because I am looking out for you considering our distance." He chastised

I sighed and smiled genuinely. I walked towards Teagan, hugged him from his side and buried my nose on his arm pit.

"I know Teag and I appreciate it a lot. I promise I'll do everything you said." I sniffed his arm pit.

"Your arm pit still smells alright, but I don't like the smell of your deo. Its too potent for my liking. I'll look for a good one for you." I added

"Stop sniffing my pits and no, Im happy with the one Im using." He sighed and circled his arm around my neck in a half embrace. After a long stretch of silence, he pat my back.

"I think I better get going now. Its still a long drive to Dublin."

I walked him towards his car. He kissed me on my forehead then hopped onto his car and left.

As I watched his car leave and disappear from my sight, I could feel a twinge on my chest. I tried to decipher my feelings and its a mixture of sadness and fear. However, thinking of the new things that the coming days has to offer drowned those negative feelings with excitement.

This is my new life now.

I am a very capable woman and I can do this!
Its 10 in the evening and yet sleep was still very avoidant of me. I've been tossing and turning on my bed for hours already and I couldn't even feel a hint of heaviness on my lids.
Am I nervous?
Uhm-- not really
Is my body still trying to get a feel of its new cushion?
Thats it! It must be the new place.
Maybe a glass of warm milk would do the trick.
I stood up then went out of the room. I didn't bother turning on the lights as the street light plus the moon's light is enough to help me see where Im going. I stalked towards the fridge and poured myself a glass of milk. Good thing the apartment already has a microwave, or is it my new room mate's? Doesn't matter. I'll just ask whenever. I popped my glass inside the microwave and set it on the lowest temperature.

Speaking of my room mate, I didn't notice her arrive this evening. Is she already asleep or on overtime at work? What kind of room mate would she be? I hope not the one from hell because I don't want any complication in this perfect setting.

My thoughts were interrupted by a beep from the microwave signaling that my milk is ready. I sat on the kitchen countertop to savor my warm milk while thinking of my busy schedule for tomorrow. First, I have to go to a nearby hospital to run some tests and to get the compulsory shots. After receiving the results, I will then have to proceed to the factory clinic to be checked by the company doctor. If I passed the necessary screening, then I could meet with the human resource personnel to finally ink the contract. Good thing the paperworks has been easily dealt with online, one less problem for me.

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