Chapter 11

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"George..." He started as soon as I closed the door of his car so I immediately cut him off
"We'll talk when we get there. Focus on driving." I said coldly

I agreed to ride with him to avoid unnecessary questions. The whole drive was eerily quiet and I didn't mind one bit. I was busying my mind with words to throw at his shameless face when we finally talk. After the hour-long drive, we finally arrived home.

Some guests were already present when we arrived home. Most of my relatives already knew who Aedan was so they didn't bother asking. We waited a little for some guests then we ate.

Aedan ate quietly beside me, casually offering food that I discretely declined. After eating, I invited him outside of the house towards a nearby park. I sat on a bench and he followed suit, but kept a good distance between us. I crossed my arms and just looked straight into the playground in front of us, but I could see from the corner of my eye that he was facing me.

"I dont want to hear more bullshit so you better talk some sense and make my time worth it or else Im walking out" I began

He sighed.

"Whatever I have to say will seem to be full of bull to you, but please just hear me out. I promise no lies.

When you turned Brody down, his ego took a beating. It didn't stop from being dumped because we kept on teasing him about losing his mojo on women. Typical Brody, he wanted to get back at you or get even with us by putting up his car as a prize on whoever bags you first. I wasn't interested. Only Sean and Owen were up to it. It didn't take a couple of weeks before they suffered the same fate as Brody, even worse, actually. Remember at the cafeteria when you threw a glass of orange juice at Sean's face when he spat bitter crap at you after being refused?" He paused to give out a humorless laugh.

"I was there when you did that and I was beyond dumbfounded at the feisty woman who didn't backdown from a gigantic douche. My eyes suddenly sparked with excitement. It was like having a new, exciting science project, challenging and rewarding. I told Brody that I was in, but knowing the odds, I gave the condition of no time frame and he was fine with it.

I planned on how to befriend you without being too obvious. It worked because we became friends. I took my time because I knew good things come to those who wait. I was surprised to find myself enjoying your company. I started wanting to hang out with you even more, then it progressed to longing for your presence. Thats when I realized that what I feel for you then is not just friendly and that I wanted you to be mine for real. I wanted to tell the boys that Im off the bet a long time ago, but I chickened out. I thought my pride couldn't take the idea of admitting Im whipped so I just went along with it. I thought that you'd never find out and so will they. Its a win-win.

I wanted to know more about you. I wanted to be a part of your life. I was beyond happy when you let me into your life and even as far as introducing me to your family. I really felt honored and thankful. I truly care for you and your family, George. My friendship with you in the beginning may have been a lie, but when I decided to pursue you even after being turned down, everything I showed you, everything that I said were real. I really love you, George." Then he started to tear up. I just sat quietly and watch him sob like I was the one who did him wrong.

"Are you done?" I asked

It took him a moment to process what I just asked.

"What?" He asked in response

"Im asking you if you still have something else to say." I repeated

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