Chapter 18

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My stomach hurts so badly.

It must be late already. However, its quite odd that I still feel very sleepy. My body must have been really exhausted last night, but my stubborn mind just refused to recognize that fact and kept on going until I finished everything. That thought made me wonder. Was I able to finish my new set of paperworks?

I tried to recall where I left off, but not a single memory. I guess my mind is too drowsy to function properly. A cup of coffee would probably do the trick, but before that, a 10-minute snooze would be necessary. I just need a few more minutes of sinking in my silky bed and I'm off to paperworksville. My consciousness was on its way to being completely engulfed by the other dimension when its smooth transition has been halted by a question.


I rubbed my hand against the surface of my bed and, indeed, it was silk.

Since when did I have silk sheets?

I peeled my eyes open and they were greeted with incomplete darkness. My eyes adjusted with the dimness of the room and when they fully adapted to the scarceness of light, I felt like my soul had left me. I blinked a couple of times to make certain about what I was seeing. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths to probably clear my confused mind then slowly opened it with a hope that everything would eventually change and what I saw earlier was just from a momentary confusion.

I really do hope I was just confused, however, I don't think that's the case anymore.

I don't know where or why, but one thing is for certain.

I am in an unfamiliar room!

Panic had stricken me like a tree struck by lightning. My whole body was electrified which rendered me frozen for a while. I tried to recall what happened last night and whose bed am I lying on, but I got nothing. I was stunned for a while and when I finally regained my strength, I jerkingly pushed myself upright, which made me yelp in surprise.

My body ached everywhere!

My arms were shaky so they gave up on the sudden bearing of weight and I ended up collapsing back on the bed, face first!

What the hell happened to me?!

I slowly turned to my side, prompting the blanket to slip off of my upper body which made me feel the air directly hit my sensitive skin. I looked down and I was beyond mortified to see my bare chest out. In panic, I pulled the blanket away from my body and I felt as though my heart fell on my stomach.

I was stripped!



W-What happened?

W-Where in the world am I?

I can't believe this is happening to me...

This is not real!

This is just some awful dream!

I need to wake up now!

I scrambled on the bed, fighting the soreness thats been trying to limit my movement, and reached for the bedside lamp. When the light turned on, I looked at myself and it just confirmed what I've been dreading, that I'm really free from any piece of clothing. I could feel the ache in my core which made this nightmare even more real. I slapped myself once and I felt the sting. I slapped myself again the second time, and its really undeniable, I am fully awake and this is all real! I slapped myself for the third time and I saw my tears splattered on the red silk sheets. My tears kept on streaming out of my eyes and my body's shaking uncontrollably.

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