Chapter 16

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Say what you wanna say and let the words fall out... 

Honestly, I wanna see you be brave...

and still smart at the same time... :)


"Do you think the coast is clear enough?" Finn asked

"I believe, so. I guess we can unleash the cracken, now." Sarah replied

"Oh my Gosh, George!" Finn squealed

We're currently in Sarah's house not just to eat the take out Chinese food we ordered, but also to gush about what happened in the main office. The moment Mr. Morein's elevator door shut, we spoke casually, understanding the unspoken warning to not utter a word of what just happened until we're in a haven completely safe from nearby ears that could get us in trouble.

"That was.. That was... Uggh! I can't seem to find the words to describe what happened!" Resin spoke

"I am conflicted as whether to praise you for your brazenness or scold you for your stupidity!" Sarah added

"I can't believe you spoke to THE HEIR OF MOREIN GROUP OF COMPANIES the way you did and walked away with your limbs intact and your job order still effective! I don't think anyone who was dumb enough to ever cross his path like you did, experienced the same fate. Did you see the way he looked at you as though trying to carbonize you from where you stood? I really thought your life was so over!" Finn chided with overflowing energy while his arms doing some exaggerated gestures to further express his extreme emotions.

"I don't think he's the forgiving type. I mean, did you see how the employees almost soiled their pants at the sight of him? And judging by the conversation earlier, I think the Engineer of the building just got fired because the elevator for the chiefs malfunctioned. The worst that could have happened to you today was not getting fired, but having the fate of your career sealed. It could have been over in a bat of his eye lash! Just a word from him and you may find yourself unemployed in your field for the next century!" Resin panicked

I just crossed my arms and watched them in entertainment. They all looked so animated. One moment they all look like they just saw the Eiffel tower for the first time, next thing you know, they already morphed into appearing like their first born has just been held captive.

"I guess we're on the bad side of luck. Imagine, just when the pictures of the top bosses of the company were corrupted during our orientation, we ended up coming across with one and our very inquisitive friend over here happened to be curious on the wrong place, at the wrong time, with the wrong person." Sarah said

"Let me refresh your hazy memory of the events that had occurred earlier, my dear friend. If I recall it correctly, we're there 'at the wrong time' because we waited for you to accomplish your purpose. So, if you were to think about it carefully, Im not completely to blame." I said feigning a taunt while crossing my arms and Sarah just rolled her eyes then chuckled

"Honestly, I was really turned off, in a major way, by his attitude. He's more diva than Beyonce, like what's with the no passenger elevator rule? Its not like we'll go gaga over his buffed up bod or his razor sharp jaws and cheekbones, accompanied by his bone-melting gaze and stomach clenching smirk..." Resin said looking conflicted, however, was interrupted by Finn shortly

"And you're already turned off, right? Because I thought I just heard you ogling out loud on a mental image of our boss." He said sarcastically which just earned an eye roll from Resin as she resumed speaking.

"The point is that he's very attractive, but still.. Does he think that being in the same enclosed space as his employees would take him a notch lower? Or does he think that either one of us could have a contagious respiratory disease like Tuberculosis or Influenza A?"

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