Chapter 14

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To the first one to ever comment on my story. Thanks for the love. <3
I removed my navy blue blazer then carefully my light blue sleeveless top.
Too much blue.
I raked my eyes on the sleeveless tops thats lined up on top of my bed then glanced at my wall clock.
I have to leave!
I have been an audience of my very own fashion show for the past hour as I couldn't make up my mind as what clothes to sport for my first day of work. My uniform is yet to be given at the end of the week, for the time being, I will have to dress up accordingly.

I pulled a white satin top with small rose prints all over. I'm gonna have to settle with this one because Im going to be late if I don't stop going Coco Chanel on my get up. I put back on the blue blazer and for the last time, dragged my eyes on my complete ensemble. I flattened the stray hair that ruined the perfection of my slick updo.
Good enough.
I picked up my bag and performed Teagan's list of rituals before leaving the flat , in a whim.

Today, I am scheduled to have my orientation. Thank goodness I arrived ten minutes ahead of time because the officer in charge was already on site. My professional get up would have been for nothing if I was tardy.

There's quite a number of us who will be joining this day's orientation as we will be the replacement of the team sent abroad for the expansion. A few were of my age group and a lot were really older. The only difference between me and the rest of the group is that I am the only who's a fresh grad and without an actual employment experience. Gladly, I was able to make a few friends, but we didn't really have a lot of time for chitchats as we were all paying close attention to every detail given.

We had an overview of the company, the products, the procedures, protocols and other important information. After that, we had a tour all throughout the factory including the offices and the laboratory. We were also introduced to different department and office heads.

I went home physically exhausted and my feet were killing me.  We really didn't do a lot of manual labor, however, I'm not used to wearing heels. If it wasn't for the "professional look" I was gunning for, I would have never even thought about it. As soon as I opened the door of the apartment, I immediately kicked my shoes off and I was never more thankful for the shoe rack nearby. I zombie walked towards the couch and dropped dead.

There'll be a lot of reading and studying in stored for me in the coming days as I will be studying the current products that our company produces, cultivates, and targets. It also includes the improvement of several products. I will also be researching for extra information with regards to consumer consumption and market trends. The list of my homework was endless and just thinking about it makes me feel mentally exhausted, too.

I glanced at my watch and it says its still six in the evening. Maybe I could squeeze in a 30-minute power nap. I took my phone out and set my alarm to avoid oversleeping then put it on the center table. I closed my eyes and let unconsciousness engulf me.

I was awaken by a loud noise so I peaked through my lashes and reached for my phone. Well, that was quick. I didn't even feel the surge of energy that the power nap was supposed to deliver. As I was about to turn off the alarm, I was stunned to see something else on the screen, a face, Cassie's. I was still too groggy that I didn't realize it was a call. I swiped it immediately.

"How dare you?" She welcomed

"How could you leave without even saying goodbye? Are we not important to you that you think we don't deserve a farewell or even just a heads up?" She yelled and it felt like I was dumped with a bucket of ice, completely awake and alert.

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