Chapter 3

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"Are you sure thats what you want?" Mom frowned and looked at me with concern.

I am currently in our living room with my whole family. My Mom and Dad seated in front of me while my two older brothers are standing behind them. Only my younger sister, Kyna, is sitting beside me.

Mom's deep gaze is piercing into me that it almost made me squirm. Of Course, she knew that I wanted to work for bigger companies in Dublin and Cork, thats why she's been asking me that question over and over again. I already made up my mind and I chose to work for the local sector of the government bureau that's in charge with the food products safety.

"I've already thought about it, mom. Its not that grand, but I will learn a lot from there. I'll start from the bottom and work my way up. Plus, I think it would be great to serve the government even just for a few years." And I won't have to leave home. I didn't say the last part out loud because I knew its going to pave way for an endless argument as she will not drop the subject if she confirms her theory that Im being held back by personal reasons.

Trying to hide my anxiety, I clasped my hands and focused on securing them on my lap to avoid fiddling or tapping, anything that would give me away. I have to convince them that Im 100% in this.

"That would be great, George. Gael's room mate Holly works there. She could definitely help you get started plus she's really funny. You'll like her!" Devlin, my second older brother stated.

"Wow, you sound so ecstatic, Devlin! If I hadn't known you better, I would have thought that you're the one who likes this Holly and would only like to use your sister to get to her. But thats not the case, right?" Mom mordantly asked.
"Of course, not! I don't need help with anything in that regard. I would just flash my million dollar smile and they'll all be lining up like its the box office."
He's annoyingly full of himself and its just so nauseating sometimes. "I wonder how could Gael stand being friends with you for a long time when you have a  head thats so big Im surprised we could still fit in our small living room and keep a conversation without suffocating!"
He walked towards the back of the couch and rested his hands on my shoulders. "Come on sis. Don't get too offensive with me now. You know Im just being honest and I truly am glad that you chose to stay here and work. I don't think we can sleep peacefully knowing you're living hundreds of miles away."
I leaned my head on his hand and smiled. Always the sweet talker and the overprotective one.

"Well I'm glad that you're staying, George. As much as I would enjoy having my own space, I think my life would be better living with my private tutor and counselor." Kyna grinned

"So until my existence seems to benefit you in any way, then I could keep my bed in your space? Is that it?" I asked satirically. The sneaky and adorable mouse just laughed and cuddled on my arm.

"I thought working for GP Madden was your dream?" Teagan, my oldest brother, interrupted.

I straightened up and met his stare. He was looking at me intently. This is not going to be easy. "It still is Teag, but I want to increase my chances by enhancing my credentials."
"But don't you think bigger companies  would increase your chances even better? I know SM Food Corporation offered you a job in Cork. Even a small position there would greatly help your chances as its owned by Morein Group of Companies, one of the biggest competitors of GP Madden." He supplied

"How did you know that? You went through my email?" I said with a little bit of annoyance.

"Not exactly. You checked your email once, using my laptop and you forgot to log out. I read it by accident so calm down. Now, tell me why would you reject it?"

This conversation is not going well for me. I guess I'll just have to be honest with this one.

"I don't want to work for a mob-owned company." I replied shortly

"Oh my goodness, Georgina! Having arms dealing as one of their many businesses doesn't make them mobsters." Teagan massaging his forehead with one hand. He's trying to control his temper now.

"I know that, but I condone arms dealing because of the violence it promotes plus they don't even do charity works. These people make so much money and they intend to keep it to themselves? Who does that?" I know Im sounding very irrational already, but I truly am running out of smart reasons to back up my obviously not so smart decision.

"They're not the sharing type, so what? As long as they pay their employees very well, then I don't think they're that greedy. They're known for their high monetary compensation that's why many would kill for the offer that you got." He said with a frustrated sigh.
"Then perhaps more people want it more than I do so Im doing everybody a favor. Not everything is about money, Teag."

Teagan was quite stunned with what I just said. For a second, he looked sad and offended, but immediately regained his composure and put back on his cold facade.
Low blow.
It came out faster than I could process. Its a sensitive matter when it comes to Teagan. I didn't want to say those words to him, but it can't be undone, now. I guess I'll have to apologize some other time. He just watched me intently for a while and sighed.
"Just so you know, offers like that don't come everyday, even to people who are as smart as you." Teagan said as he looked away.

"Its not about the money, hun. Having a good head start is always better. It gives you the right amount of momentum into propelling yourself towards your purpose. Starting on a big company would not be easy, but the quality of your learning experience there would be unparalleled. Apart from that, it will give you more edge in going after the bigger ones until you achieve what you have been aspiring for." mom added

I have nothing left in my arsenal to combat what my mom had just said because honestly, the majority of my rational brain has done nothing, but cry in agreement with my older brother and my mom. However, my irrational mind is stronger in this matter.

I just kept my eyes glued on the floor and my mouth shut. Nobody dared to speak afterwards. Dad cleared his throat to break the awkward atmosphere.

"Georgina is an intelligent girl, so how about we just respect her decision and trust her that she knows what she's doing, alright?" Dad said calmly

"Oh, stop acting like the unbiased, rational one. We all know that you're on the verge of calling your gang for beer and grill later since you're the one who's been emotionally blackmailing your daughter into staying here." Mom muttered

Daddy chuckled. He stood up and sat beside me on the couch.
"It's not my fault that Daddy's little girl wants to stay with her old man a little longer. And life's better here. Its more peaceful." Dad patted my head and winked.

Mom just rolled her eyes at dad. She moved her eyes to me and sighed.

"You still have more time to rethink about this. Until you formally send your letter of acceptance and rejection to the respective companies, then you can still change your mind. I would rather endure seeing you scarcely as long as I know you are living according to how you truly wanted, working towards your lifelong goals." mom said then stood up and left the living room. Teagan just shook his head and followed through.

"Just do not mind your mom. Follow what your gut tells you. It may not bring you directly to your dreams, but knowing you, I know you will find your way. There's no right or wrong way in life. Every decision will bring you to different circumstances, but your success and satisfaction would depend on how you respond to these situations. What made successful individuals succeed was not their circumstances, but their personal capabilities and attitude. Do what you want to do. Just enjoy your present. You're young and very smart, like your dad, so fear nothing." Dad smiled

It comforts me to know that my Dad is always there for me and that he truly believes in me. He makes me feel that no matter what I choose, he will always support me and he will always be proud of me. I smiled and embraced him tightly.

I can do this.

No matter what.

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