Chapter 22

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"Its better without any extra condiments. Its perfect the way it is. Its simple, fresh and just palatable." He commented

I snorted.

"Who uses the word palatable these days?" I chuckled

"People who eat food that they find to be pleasant to taste." He countered

Stan and I have been debating about the best way to eat the sashimi side dish which,according to him, is called Mukozuke. Its part of the multi-course Japanese meal called Kaiseki. He's been giving me a cultural lesson of the different parts of the meal in the past half an hour, with terms that put food borne bacteria to shame. I'd rather memorize the likes of Escherichia coli and Clostridium botulinum any day, but today, I had to at least try to keep up with his jargon as he really seemed to be very passionate about the food.

The restaurant boasts sumptuous Asian cuisines and if I had known better, I would have ordered something else or should I say if I hadn't dropped my wallet in the office building during our little scuffle, I would have had the entitlement to order something of my preference.

"Cut me some slack Mr. Lecter, I'm used to eating cooked meals on a daily basis. I need something to take the edge off the queasy feels of eating raw fish. Apart from that, its a little bland in the spices department for my taste. Thai Cuisine is my favorite so that sums it up." I replied

He scrunched his nose in disgust. I guess that gesture explains why he loves this dish so much. Its the complete opposite of Thai food.

"Whats so good in Curry?" He asked with wrinkled forehead. It took me a while to answer his question as I contemplated well on the best way to describe my affection for Thai curry.

"There's actually more to Thai food than just curry, however red curry is my favorite. What I love about it is that, it is so potent. Its strong that it could render me knocked out at the faintest smell of it." I closed my eyes and perched my nose up in the air, trying to sniff its phantom scent.

"I love that even just seeing it from afar, it brings me on edge with too much anticipation. Watching the steam seep out makes my mouth water as if I could already taste it in my tongue." I tightened my grasp on my utensils while imaginably savoring its taste in my mouth.

"Taking my first bite after a long period is always like the first time. It brings a little discomfort, but in a pleasurable way. The fiery sensation it brings not only ignites my mouth, but my whole body. The delectable taste is too overwhelming that it renders me mindless. Its thick sauce glides perfectly in my throat and ironically soothes the burning feels. After indulging myself with a sinful bowl of red curry, I always find myself drenched satisfactorily in my own sweat."

I ended my reverie breathlessly then glanced back at him. I noticed that he was looking away while downing a whole glass of water. He then loosened his tie and opened the first button of his shirt. After a while, he gandered back at me and opened his mouth, but nothing came out so he closed it again.

He seemed to be at loss for words so I just waited for him to say something. He fidgeted a little then finally spoke,

"A-are we still talking about curry?" He asked incredulously

I wrinkled my forehead.

"Where were you a while ago? Of course we're talking about curry. What else could bring me such a heavenly experience?" I answered irksomely

He looked away and seemed to swallow a huge lump in his throat.

"O-okay. I get the picture of your relationship with curry. No need to explain further. J-just don't ask me to try one." He stated

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