Chapter Two

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For the first time in three years, you had a comfortable, deep sleep. You weren't sure what it was about this stranger, perhaps it was that he saved you and your brother, but you felt at ease with him. You hummed softly as you made scrambled eggs and bacon. You were slightly amazed when you found meat and eggs that weren't rotten in the store you were in the previous day.

"Hmm, smells so good." Alfred groaned as he woke.

"Morning, Alfred!" Johnathan grinned and waved from his spot on the floor where he played with the few toys you managed to keep.

Alfred grinned right back. "Mornin', Lil' dude! Now we gotta keep quiet so those bad guys don't get us." Alfred put a finger over his lips and winked at your brother.

Johnathan giggled and nodded, putting a finger over his own lips, saying, 'hush, hush,' before returning to his toys.

"So, what's for breakfast?" The American asked, peeking over the back of the chair he slept in.

You turned and smiled. "Eggs and bacon." Alfred pumped his fist and hissed a 'yes!' under his breath excitedly. You laughed at this and continued making the meal.

You finished cooking and all of you ate in silence. Alfred happily helped himself to everything that you and Johnathan didn't eat. After that, you packed yours and Jonathan's things, including food and ammo, into the duffel bag and a backpack you had picked up a while back. "Alright, sweetheart." You whispered as you picked up Johnathan and held him. "Let's go to the car."

The trip to the car was quiet aside from the Roamer's you past. Alfred stabbed the ones too close for comfort. Once you reached the car, you buckled Johnathan in and put the bag on either side of him before closing the door and facing Alfred. "Thanks, again." You smiled.

Alfred chuckled, stuffing his hands in his cargo pants. "You sayin' goodbye?" He asked, tilting his head. You gave a shrug. "You know what, (Name)... Why don't you come with me to my group? It's safe, and there's living people there," he muttered, keeping an eye on the limping Roamers.

You looked down at the littered on concrete in thought. "I think that might be best for Johnathan." You glanced back at Johnathan who rawr'd silently as he played with his T-rex toy. "Yeah, I think that's OK." You smiled up at Alfred. "Hope you don't mind driving," you said, tossing the keys at him.


Alfred excitedly drove, but was cautious. "I haven't driven in months! This is so weird, yet so cool at the same time!" He cheered, practically jumping in his seat. You laughed at him.

"Wall, wall!" Johnathan shouted, bouncing and pointing.

"Yup, walls! That's my home!" Alfred grinned. You looked at what your brother was pointing at and your jaw slackened. Steel walls stood over twenty feet tall and two people stood with rifles above a gate, seeming to keep watch. You could also see a sniper up in the highest tower that was somewhere within those walls. As Alfred stopped a couple meters from the gate, he rolled down his window. "'Sup, commie bastard!?" He called, and you were in too much awe to scold him for cursing in front of your brother.

You heard a voice from one of the men on top of the wall. "Alfred's back. Open the gate, Arthur!"

You gulped hard as the gate opened and Alfred pulled the car within the walls.

"Calm down, (Name)," Alfred whispered, gently grabbing your hand. "It's safe in these walls. It's survived herds and attacks. The walls are constantly guarded and we always have at least two people on watch."

Nodding, you turned to him. "I figured, but... That's not the problem... I haven't seen people in the longest time... It's so weird."

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