Chapter Eight

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"Come on, Johnathan! We gotta get to Arthur's house, then we can go play with Awesome man!" You encouraged the two-year-old. Johnathan squealed, picking up his pace. You giggled, shifting the bags on your arms as you made sure Johnathan didn't drop any of his toys.

"Why do you have all your things," you heard a voice ask. You turned to look at Alfred who walked up, hands stuffed in his pockets.

You bent down slightly, placing a hand on Johnathan's back. "Go on to Arthur's house. I'll be right behind you. I gotta talk to Alfred."

Johnathan nodded. "Bye-bye, Hero!" Your brother waved, then scampered off the rest of the way to Arthur's house.

Alfred stepped closer. "Moving into Arthur's?" He grumbled, and you nodded. "Something wrong with the other house? If there is, I could fix it."

You shook your head. "No, it's nothing to fix, it's just..." You looked down.

"Arthur offered, right?" Alfred kicked at the ground, unable to make eye contact.

"Yeah," you muttered. "Arthur is kind to Johnathan and I. I enjoy his company, and I'm comfortable around him."

Alfred nodded. "Yeah... I noticed. He makes you smile, despite everything you're going through. I hope you're happy, (Name)." He offered a tiny, clearly fake, smile.

You waved it off and turned, heading back to Arthur's.


You groaned, shifting in Rover's saddle. Two days since the continuation of the building of the outer wall, and you were already sore from riding around. Everything was working smoothly, so far, aside from Alice being sick, so you had to take her shift. Rover trotted around the wall, and you listened for anything unwanted or a cry for help. You came to the gate and was stopped by Astrid calling down to you from on top of the wall. You looked up.

"It's lunchtime for the guys working on the wall." She said, carefully handling down a basket tied to a rope. You grabbed the basket and untied the rope so Astrid could take it back up. "Katyusha and Antonio are laying Johnathan down for his nap."

"Thank you!" You called up, then clenched the handle in your fist, kicking into Rover's sides. "Hee-yah!" You shouted, getting the large black and white paint to canter into the field and towards the end of the wall the guys were working on.

You smiled as the wind whipped your hair around, then slowed Rover once you got close enough. "Lunch time, boys!" You shouted, pulling up in a trot.


You giggled, leaning up against a tree with Arthur. You bit into your sandwich, listening to him tell stories of his brothers. All of them were of when they picked on him, but there were a select few where he extended the story to tell you how he had gotten them back. You knew that despite how he said how much he hated them, you could just tell that he missed them dearly.

"Lunch break is over. Time to get back on the wall!" Ludwig bellowed after thirty or so minutes of conversing and eating. You untied Rover from the post hammered into the ground by Ludwig and faced Arthur.

"I'll see you when it's time to come back." Arthur hummed and smiled, placing a hand on your hip and his other hand cupped your cheek. He leaned down and pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. You hoped no one, especially Alfred, saw, but you doubted they did. You were on the other side of Rover. You climbed on the stallion and turned him back in the direction of the inner wall. You grabbed the basket from Arthur and waved over your shoulder before loping Rover back to the wall.

Arthur smiled, watching you leave before heading back over to help dig posts into the ground to hold up the wall.

"What was that? With you and (Name)?" Alfred asked, rolling his sleeves up to his elbows and wiping the sweat off his brow.

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