Chapter Twenty

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You were hunched over on the side of the medial tent, one hand grabbing a post to support yourself and the other on your stomach. Your morning sickness has gotten worse since you got bit, which was a month ago, and you were prohibited from leaving the tent until your bite was fully healed. But this morning, the scent inside the tent was too nauseating to stay in. Gilbert was the one to guard you the most, so as of now, he was rubbing your back and keeping your hair out of your face.

"Is it all out?" He asked, speaking quietly. He spoke quietly, unlike his normal tone, because lately you've been waking up with migraines.

Slowly, you nodded, but you were still wobbly, so he didn't force you to move. "I-I think so..."

Gilbert hummed, tying your hair up. "How's the bite?"

"I think I opened it on my way out, again." Sometimes, you'd forget you were bit, so you'd move too fast. This would open your wound, so it was taking longer than it should to heal. "We need Tina." Even though you knew how to do it yourself, you'd throw up again and again because of your current state.

"Alright. Let's lay you down. I'll keep the tent open while I get Tina." As he spoke, Gilbert let you lean on him as he lead you back in the tent. He lay you on your bed, then opened the tent. "I'll be right back."

You nodded, then watched him leave. You groaned, curling up and clutching your stomach.

"Is it worse this morning?" You heard Alfred ask as he ducked into the tent. You glanced over your shoulder as he came closer.

"I want to be back in our bed." You whined, reaching a hand out.

Alfred gently grabbed your hand as he sat down and kissed your knuckles. "I'm sorry. I do to. The bed is colder without you."

You whined. "You're inside a house! I'm in a tent in the middle of winter! Don't talk about an actual bed being cold! I'm on a rock out in winter with two of the thinnest blankets in the world!" You shouted, hiding your face in the pillow.

The American chuckled, kissing the inside of your wrist. "Sorry. Do you want me to get you some more blankets to help fluff the bed and warm you up? We still have plenty."

"That sounds amazing!" You exclaimed, then groaned, curling into a smaller ball. "The baby is angry today. And I'm super hungry, but Tina says I'm not allowed to eat in the morning anymore."

Alfred sighed. "Wish I could do something."

You hummed, looking up at him. "Stay longer... The baby always calms whenever you're around." Alfred grinned, then laughed. "It's true, Alfred! The baby loves it when you're here!"

"I believe you, (Name), calm down. I'll stay." He promised, brushing his fingertips over your cheek and pushing your hair behind your ear. "If that's what you need, I'll stay." You smiled up at him. The tent was silent for a moment until Tina came in and got supplies ready to restitch your bite. "You opened it again?" You nodded, sitting up. "That sucks." He watched Tina unwrap the soaked wrap and take off the gauze pad. He noticed your expression, so he spoke up. "I was thinking about names last night." You tilted your head as you looked up at him. "Yeah. You know... I'm kinda hoping we have a girl. One just like you." This brought a small smile to your lips as you squeezed his hand. "I was thinking maybe Faith, or Hope. Or maybe even after your sister, but that one dog already took her name."

You laughed, then flinched as Tina stitched you up. "I like that. But what if it's a boy?"

Alfred hummed, looking up in thought. "You know... I didn't really think of one for a boy. But I kinda like the name Andrew. I don't know, what do you think?"

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