Chapter Fifteen

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The sun shown brightly through the window you don't remember opening the curtains to. You slowly opened your eyes, and smiled at the peaceful expression Alfred made as he slept. Then, a sickeningly, horrifyingly familiar noise reached your ears, although it sounded slightly distant. You shifted so you supported your upper body weight on your elbow, and slid the sheets and blankets down.

You froze.

You were sure you shut and locked the doors and everything was secure. There was a gaping hole in Alfred's side, his guts and crimson blood spilled all over the bed and trailed onto the floor. Growls started to accompany the squishing and tearing noises. You peered over Alfred's torn side, and screamed.

Your screech tore from your throat as you struggled in the sheets, thrashing about and trying to escape. Growls became multiple and the light in the room darkened as two warm, comfortable arms wrapped around you.

"Hush, hush... Shh, sh sh sh... It's alright, (Name). Nothing's coming to hurt you." You clung to the body comforting you and sobbed into the crook of their neck. Their fingers ran through your hair and their lips pressed to your head. Once you calmed to soft whimpers, you looked around the room through blurry eyes. The room was barely lit by the milky, beginning light of dawn that peeked through the crack of the curtains. The metallic scent of blood didn't flood your senses and the sound of his insides being eaten was no longer there. But you were terrified to close your eyes in case you saw her again.

She was so... She looked so alive. Her skin had color and her eyes sparkled with optimism as you had remembered. The only thing was the stomach torn in her hands and blood pouring from her lips.


Sobs shook your body as your hands formed fists. "Sarah..." You whispered before falling unconscious in Alfred's arms.


Alfred sighed, relaxing when he noticed you had fallen back asleep. He heard you, although it was faint. Sarah. She had a nightmare with Sarah in it. He thought as he unwrapped his arms from your waist, and pulled the sheets and blankets up to your chin. He slid out of bed, tugged on his boxers and jeans, placed his glasses over his nose and ears, then peeked out the curtains to the front yard below. A herd, although quite small for a herd, surrounded the house. "Great." He muttered, ruffling his hair and releasing the curtain. He opened the door, and the Australian Shepherd dashed in the room and jumped on the bed. Without waking her, he curled up under her arm.

The American smiled, shutting the door behind him. As he explored the house the night before, he had noticed all sorts of weapons hidden in every nook and cranny. He chuckled, then shivered. Crap. Should have grabbed my shirt. He thought, but didn't go back up the staircase.

Instead, he shut the door to the basement so none of the other dogs or cats could come out and attack them like they almost did the night before, and grabbed some food from the cabinet you said the dried food was in. He snickered, grabbing the bag of jerky. "Sweet! Wonder where she found this." Alfred ate for a minute before deciding it was too dark to keep wandering around in the house and feeling for everything. He didn't want to accidentally bump into something and cause a further riot outside. He grabbed a couple candles and lit them. One on the counter, one on the dining table, and the rest in the living room. He used a stick candle to lite the candles you set up along the stairway. Alfred couldn't help but smile at how smart you were.

Then, without having to feel his way through, he looked for something to write on and something to write with. After several minutes of searching, he found a smooth, wooden board behind the basement door and sharpies that somehow didn't dry out. He sat on the couch and made it to where he could see better so he could write on the board.

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