Chapter Six

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Arthur sat beside you as you lay on your bed, curled around your napping brother. You had locked yourself in your room for about two weeks now, your sister's soft, weak growls and scratches against that door haunting your mind. Arthur visited you most, bringing you food and drink. He'd sometimes clean up messes Johnathan would make and play with Johnathan. He'd talk to you, trying to keep your mind and conversation off your sister. Gilbert would occasionally visit, mostly to pick up Johnathan to take him out to play, then bring him back at most an hour later.

"(Name), love... Why don't you walk with me?" The Brit asked, leaning down to whisper in your ear. He moved your hair back and kissed your forehead. "Come on, darling."

You glanced up at him before unraveling your arms from your brother. Slowly, you slid your legs off the side of the bed. You stood on your feet, needing some help from Arthur since you were slightly unsteady. You hooked your arm through his. "Let's go for that walk." You smiled slightly, and he returned it.

Breathing in deeply, you allowed Arthur to lead you outside. You let the fresh air fill your lungs as you closed your eyes. You felt lighter at the intake. Arthur smiled silently as he lead you through the street. "Ah, Arthur! There you are!" Gilbert shouted when you reached the barn. "Hey, (Name)! You're up! Come on, I got some horses saddled up! Rover needs a good refresher, so you're gonna ride him, if that's okay!"

You looked up at Arthur. "I thought we were just walking?"

The Brit chuckled and kissed your hand. "I hope you don't mind, but I asked Gilbert to saddle up two horses for us. I wanted to take you for a short ride, see if that'll help keep your mind off things." After staring into his emerald orbs for a moment, you nodded, slipping your arm out of the crook of his. You took Rover's reigns from Gilbert and stroked the black and white paint's long, thick neck. He nickered softly as you climbed onto his back. You looked over at Arthur who was already on his sorrel mare's back. She was a beautiful horse with long legs, a small sock on her front, left leg and a white snip on her velvety muzzle. Her golden mane and tail was neatly kept and flowed like wheaten hills. "Good girl, Guinevere." Arthur whispered to his calm mare. You gently ushered Rover to follow Guinevere into the asphalt towards the gate.

Ivan nodded to Arthur as he pushed the gate open. Before you passed through the entrance/exit, you peered up at Alfred's back. He stood beside Ludwig on the wall, keeping watch. You lowered your gaze to the back of Rover's neck, nudging his sides to follow Arthur's lead. For not having been ridden in a while, Rover listened rather. He smoothly rode and did as told. Arthur turned Guinevere into the field, so you did the same with Rover. Arthur turned to look at you over his shoulder with a grin. "Keep up if you can." He told you.

You tilted your head, then your eyes widened when Guinevere leapt into a lope. "Hey!" You shouted, digging your heels in Rover's side. You clicked your tongue, and soon you were speeding across the field towards Arthur and Guinevere. You couldn't help the smile that raised your lips.

Not long into the chase, you were right next to him, loping neck-to-neck. You laughed, tossing your head back, letting the wind throw your hair around as it pleased.

"Help! Help!"

You pulled back on on the reigns, leaning back in the saddle, Arthur doing the same. You looked in the direction of the screams, and looked over Arthur. He pulled a revolver out of his saddle bag and tossed it at you, pulling out a pistol for himself. Once your caught the gun and AIG sure it was fully loaded, you kicked Rover's sides. "Yah!" You shouted, causing Rover to canter through the field to whomever was being attacked.

Once you were close enough, you raised the gun too eye level, and shot at the Roamers. Only one of the three was fighting back, probably because he was the only one with something to protect themselves with; an axe. A pretty badass axe. Their horses neighed and whinnied, being attacked themselves. You leapt off Rover and shot at the four Roamers on the horses. You managed to save two of the three. Arthur and the other guy managed to kill the rest of the Roamers as you comforted the pained horse laying on the ground. "Shh, it's okay..." You whispered, stroking his neck as you pulled out your dagger. "It's alright. It'll be over soon. No more pain." You smiled gently at the horse before turning away and lodging your dagger in his head to end his misery.

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