Chapter Fourteen

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The bottled water fell from your trembling hands and onto the wooded floor. Sarge instantly noticed your distress as well as Ace and Louis. All three growled in the man's direction, their ears flat against their head and fur bristled. "B-boys..." You whimpered, collapsing to your knees. Sarge whimpered and was by your side. He gently nudged your cheek with his nose.

"Where have you been!? I thought you were dead!" The man started to yell, causing the dogs to all bark at him aggressively.

You shook your head and got to your feet. "N-no... Y-you ne-eed to go." You voice cracked and you were unable to look at him. He tried advancing, but Ace stopped him. "Please, leave!"

He shook his head. "No way! One, I just got here! Two, I just found you, (Name)! Why would I leave?"

Tears gathered in your eyes as you used the wall for support. "You just have to, Alfred!" Alfred's eyes widened again. "Didn't you listen to what Alice told you? Didn't you hear what she had to say?"

Alfred watched you, then grinned. "There. Now I know she lied." You sucked in a sharp breath, your eyes wide as you looked at him. "You said, 'what she told me', not, 'what you did'. I think there's a big difference."

Your brow furrowed, and you slid down the wall. "Wh-what? I don't... I don't understand? I thought... Thought everyone..."

"Hated you? Believed her? Well, not everyone." You looked back up at him. "I don't believe her, neither does Lovina, Ludwig, Antonio, Gilbert or Feli. Your brother is stuck in between. Lily and Peter are also having a hard time believing Alice or you. It's like Johnathan knows that what she says is a lie, but he's starting to think that what she says is the truth because..." Alfred trailed, then sighed. "We were starting to believe what she said was true, because you weren't coming back. Why didn't you come back? It's been eight months!"

You felt your damp cheeks, and you pet Sarge's head to calm him. You summoned the other two to you. "She threatened Johnathan... She said that if I ever come back... She'd send Johnathan outside of the walls without any protection. I couldn't risk it, so I stayed away. I came all the way up here."

Alfred cursed under his breath. "Of course!" He grumbled, his blue eyes angry.

"But, you need to tell me why you are so far from the walls!" You shouted, sending the cats and dogs down into the basement, including Sarge. "Why are you all the way in West Virginia? You should be in the walls in Texas right now!"

The American chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. "Well, we came up with an idea. We had a meeting a while back about it. We sent out two groups of three. My group, with Gilbert, Vash and I, was sent over here. The other group - Ivan, Natalya and José - were sent in California's direction. We're looking for survivors instead of sitting within the walls and waiting for people to walk on by and join us. And now we found you! This is awesome! We can bring you back!" Alfred started to excitedly shout, then static started to come from his belt. You glanced at the walkie talkie hooked onto his belt, then watched as he picked it up.

"Alfred?... Alfred, ya there, buddy?"

Alfred pressed a button and raised the talkie closer to himself. "Yeah, I'm here. Where are you?" Once he finished, he released the button and listened for whoever was on the other line.

"Uhm, well I don't think we're too far from you. I mean, from how clear you're coming through, I'd think we're probably about within a mile radius of each other. But I saw you run off with that super hot chick, man! Is she even hotter up close?"

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