Chapter Twenty-Six

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"What's wrong, mi Amiga?" Antonio smiled as he sat across from you.

You groaned, pushing the food on your plate around. "Alfred's been in charge of the group for just two weeks, and he's already so stressed out. I'm helping him as much as I can, but he's not allowing me to! All he wants me to do is help with the triplets and other babies and medical problems! So I did. Then we got in an argument about it this morning, and scared Andrew, because I was holding him at the moment. Anyways, Alfred hates me right now, and I don't understand why!"

Antonio chuckled, gently taking your hand. "It's okay, (Name). Me and Lovi got in a fight this morning, too! Then again, what day goes by without us fighting?" A grin raised his lips. "I'm glad Lovi fights with me. It proves to me she's there and is going to stay there for a long time. And I'd be glad to let her fight with me if that means I get to have her for the rest of my life. That's why I married her. I didn't care how angry she was. I loved her for who she was. I still do. I don't like the fights, but I'm used to it and it never gets too far. I know she doesn't mean it, but I also know she can't help it. Since she was little, that's how she has shown affection. It's how I know she cares. But Lovina is beautiful, and kind and hard to handle, but she's mine. She's the other half of me. Some people, even mi hermano, didn't like her. They told me that we weren't meant for each other; that we were just too opposite... I didn't care what they said. I didn't care, because I knew she loved me back."

"Oh, mio dio, you're such a soppy Spaniard." Arms wrapped around Antonio's neck, causing Antonio's features to light up even more, if possible.

"Lovi!" The Spanish man shouted, twisting around and throwing his arms around her. You giggled at the sight, putting your hands in your lap. "I missed you!"

The Italian rolled her eyes. "You idiot. You saw me five minutes ago."

Antonio pouted. "I still missed you, though! And time seems slower when I have to hobble around on my crutches to go talk to someone. Also,I was talking to (Name)! She got in a fight with Alfred."

Lovina raised a brow and looked over at you. "Slap the bastard like you did Ludwig. Maybe it'll have the same effect. Knock some sense into his thick, burger-rotted head." Your eyes widened, and she shrugged. "It was only a suggestion. Anyway, the baby is kicking around like crazy. I swear to hell, Antonio, if this child has your energy, I will throw you over the wall."

The Spaniard snickered, burying his nose in her neck. "Nuh-uh! You wouldn't! You love me too much!"

You laughed and stood. "Well, I'll go now. I gotta go check on my kids. Johnathan and Sarge can't handle the three on their own for too long."


You sighed for the umpteenth time that day. You haven't seen Alfred since that fight earlier in the day, and Ivan, who stood on the inner gate, said he hasn't seen Alfred since he went to go talk to whoever was on outermost wall. You curled up in your bed and stared at the blank wall.

Johnathan peeked through the door and bid you good night before going to bed himself. Earlier in the week, you had moved the crib into a separate room and the three seemed to sleep better.

Once you heard boots attempting to be quiet as they stepped into your room, you shut your eyes and slowed your breath. They took off their boots, then lay behind you. A strong arm was tossed over your waist and a warm chest pressed against your upper back. They sighed deeply as they rested their chin on your head. "I'm sorry, (Name)... I know you're probably angry at me... That fight was stupid and pointless. I'm just... I was so caught up in the work. I thought I could handle it on my own. I didn't think that I'd need your help or opinion. Just your support in what I want to do... Please tell me you're awake, because I feel like I'm talking to the wall."

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