Chapter Twenty-seven

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"Alfred?" You sat up in your bed and stared at the back of his head. Alfred sat on the edge of the bed, not responding. You moved over and sat beside him. You took his hand in both of yours. "Alfred? The sun isn't up. Can you not sleep? Do you not feel well?"

Ever since Matthew was killed, which was a week previous, Alfred has barely spoken or smiled. He still leads, but not with as much optimism as he used to.

Alfred sighed, looking up, but not at you. "It's just... So weird. Matthew and I have always been together. There would be the occasion where we wouldn't see each other like those months I was gone, but knowing that I'll never see him again is... It's just... It's hard to wrap my head around. Matt's always been there, even if no one thought he was. Whenever I get stuck, I always think, 'what would Matt do?' Matt was always the smart brother. He was smart, shy, quiet, and kind to everyone. He could never hold a grudge or even be angry for longer than a second. He always listened more than he spoke, and I was the opposite; spoke more than I listened."

You kissed his shoulder and closed your eyes. "I'm sorry, Alfred."

He shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair with his free hand. "Don't... Don't apologize, 'Kay? It'll make me feel worse. I just need a little time is all."

"Lay back down, Alfred. You need to sleep." You ushered him down onto his back, then curled up on his side. "You're tired and grieving. This past week has been so busy with the cure going around and building ramps all along within the walls for lookouts, assigning posts, sending out groups to look for survivors, Lovina having her baby, and loosing Matthew just a month after loosing Feliciana." Alfred nodded, wrapping his arm around your waist. "You need to relax, even if it's just for a moment." You traced small circles in his chest as you rested your head on his shoulder. "I love you."

The American was silent for a minute before kissing your head. "I know... I love you, too."


"I understand, mi amigo." Alfred looked up at Antonio. "I lost my older brother. He was in a car wreck right after Lovi's and my reception. He was hit by a drunk semi-driver. But..." Antonio trailed. "I'm not the only one who understands. (Name) and Lovina understand. They lost their younger sisters."

Alfred sighed, leaning back. "I know. I stabbed Sarah, and buried both of them. Then I buried my brother."

Antonio watched him sadly. "Yeah... I'm sorry. But you're doing the best you can to keep everyone else safe. I'm glad you're the new leader. You're pulling through for us."

"I can't stand to watch anyone else die. Especially (Name) or the triplets," Alfred muttered, standing up. "Thanks, Toni. Anyway, I gotta go. I promised (Name) I'd take off early and spend the rest of the day with her." The Spanish man chuckled and sent Alfred on his way.


"Andrew, Hope and Faith are all asleep and Johnathan is staying the night with Katyusha and Teresa, so take off your shirt."

As soon as Alfred walked in the door, you spoke quickly as you cleaned up. Alfred's eyes widened in surprise, then he snickered. "Wow. Could you have been any less subtle? If you want sex that bad, you could have just said."

You rolled your eyes at him, placing your hands on your hips. "Not that, stupid. You're getting a massage. I've noticed all sorts of knots and stress in your back and shoulders. So you, mister, are taking off your shirt and laying on your stomach on the bed. I'll be up in a minute."

Alfred smiled, then did as you told him to. He placed his shirt in the hamper and his glasses on the nightstand before crawling into bed. Alfred lay on top of the covers and closed his eyes as he rested his head on the pillow you cleaned and fluffed up earlier. "So soft," he mumbled, slowly relaxing.

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