Chapter Ten

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Johnathan snored lightly, cuddling with his stuffed bear. You smiled, closing the door behind you. Silently, you made your way down the stairs. You abruptly stopped, coming face-two-face with an American. "Alfred!" You gasped. "You scared the crap out of me!" You hissed under your breath, smacking his arm.

Alfred chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. "Sorry. Didn't mean to. Anyway, Arthur's looking for you," he explained. You nodded and thanked him as you went to maneuver around him. However, Alfred stepped in your path, causing you to raise a questioning brow. He sighed, furrowing his brow. "I'm confused. I don't understand you at all. One moment you kiss me, then the next... You want nothing to do with me. This is the apocalypse, not high school."

You stared at him before shaking you head. "That last kiss... I was just making sure of something. I'm sorry to mess with your feelings or confuse you, but I had to know. I'm still confused myself, but... I feel like I betrayed Arthur after we kissed. So let's leave this alone." You offered him a tiny smile before swerving around him and rushing out of the house to find Arthur.


Before you could finish swallowing the snack Lovina made for you, you stared chocking from laughter. Arthur was too busy laughing at you to get up and help you, although he attempted to. Once the snack was back up out of your throat and in the grass, you whined. "Arthur!"

"S-sorry, love!" Arthur stuttered, trying to calm his laughter. He cleared his throat, though still grinned. "That was ungentlemanly of me." You rolled your eyes, sitting straight.

A pout covered your features. "You're such a jerk!"

Arthur only smiled at you. He propped his elbows on the picnic table and rested his chin on his hands as his emerald eyes softened. You couldn't help the blush crawl up your cheeks as you fidgeted under his stare. "Sorry, love, but... You're just so beautiful."

A bashful smile tugged at your lips. "Really?" The Brit chuckled and nodded. "Thank you." Arthur reached over the table and intertwined his fingers with yours, and you allowed him as you bit your lip.

You glanced away out of embarrassment, then your expression fell slightly. Alfred sat with Alice not too far off. He had an arm wrapped around her waist and his lips pressed to hers. You looked down, then stood, pulling your head from Arthur's.

"Something the matter, love?" Arthur asked softly with a tilt of his head.

Shaking your head, you took a step back. "I... I don't feel good..." You muttered before rushing off.


You heaved yourself onto Rover's back with a sigh. You clicked your tongue and steered him towards the gate. For three whole weeks, you've avoided talking to both Alfred and Arthur. First, you had felt guilty for kissing Alfred behind Arthur's back, then you felt guilty for doing that to Alfred, now you feel like you're being torn apart whenever you see Alfred kissing Alice. So you avoided them by making up excuses. You'd always go and make up something to do, say you need to talk to Ludwig, Lovina or Vash, or go do something with Johnathan. Rover nickered, bobbing his head. "What is it?" You muttered, patting the horse's shoulder as Natalya shut the gate behind you. Rover just snorted and walked on.

The wall was progressing faster than originally thought, especially with all the rain. You had handed out the winter clothing you and Gilbert had got together three weeks previous and you promised Lovina some maternity clothing on your next scout. Lovina didn't seem happy at all that someone else was getting things for her.

Rover trotted along in the field, tossing his head and flicking his ears every now and again. He carried you towards the guys working on the wall, then you pulled him to a stop when you figured you were close enough. Vash decided to help after only being within the wall for two days. Lily wanted to help, but Vash got to her before Ludwig or you told her she couldn't. So Lily stayed inside and goes around with Peter and Johnathan and Antonio. You also couldn't help but notice the cute crush Lily developed for Peter.

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