Chapter Sixteen

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"The herd's totally gone. Hopefully it won't be back tomorrow morning." Gilbert peeked out a window to check outside. "We may as well go home. That group doesn't seem to want to talk to outsiders."

You stroked Sarge's head as you watched the three. "So you three were their stalkers?" You asked. All of them gave you a confused look. "I found and helped them the night before. They stayed her for the night and their leader told me of a small group of three, dangerous men that were following them." You smiled as two of the three burst into laughter.

Vash just rolled his eyes, biting into a piece of jerky. "So how long did it take you to get here from the walls? It took us about a week."

Sarge shifted to lay his head on your lap as you thought. "I think it took about four weeks." All three men stumbled in their spot and gaped at you. "Well, I did go a long way around. I went through Louisiana, then Mississippi, then down through Florida. After that, i came up here. It was quite a haul, especially with having to stop for supplies, stopping to stay somewhere, and going around herds and crowded highways." You explained while gathering the tiniest three in your lap and petting them.

Alfred leaned over the back of the couch to place a kiss on your cheek, which then caused you to blush. "I hate to think you were out there alone." He muttered, reaching over your shoulder to play with the puppies.

Gilbert whistled at you two. "Wow... I think I know what's going on."

You shook your head and smiled up at Alfred. "I wasn't alone. Since night one, I had Sarge with me." Said dog yapped happily, standing on the couch and wagging his tail.

"Good, Sarge. I owe ya." Alfred snickered, ruffling the fur on Sarge's head. "Good boy."


The rest of the day, you all were catching each other up. You told them everything that happened with you, and they told you everything about back at the walls. Katyusha was very pregnant with Matthew's kid and was spinning wool into yarn which she then wove to make clothing. She also started growing cotton and is making clothing out of that as well. There was a new kid, Leon, who had his eye on Anna. Astrid was pregnant with Mathias' kid, and Madelyn has taken an interest in a guy that everyone calls Ned who has a younger sister who shows interest in Antonio. Antonio's and Lovina's twins are walking and Vash's kid is crawling all over and getting into everything. Feliciana's baby was a stillborn, and is having trouble getting over it, and Ludwig seems to also be deeply affected by it. Elizabeta is also pregnant and Kiku is getting flustered around a girl they found with Leon named Mei. They started to build a third, outermost wall and they had running water. They dug several wells and had a shower system and clothes cleaning system. The one thing you didn't like to hear was that Alice practically clung to Alfred while he was in the walls. Gilbert and Vash were furious when they heard what she did to you.

That night, Vash and Gilbert took the extra rooms and Alfred lay in bed with you after a quick, quiet love making session.

The next morning, everyone got dressed and armed themselves in case Roamers came up while packing the cars. Samantha, Louis and the cats went in the car with Vash and Gilbert. They had most of the food and weapons in the trunk of their car. You and Alfred were in your car and had the rest of the food and weapons and had all the rest of the dogs. You packed all of your medical supplies into one bag and shoved it in Gilbert's car. Alfred drove behind Vash as the group started its week journey back home to the walls.

You sat with Sarah in your lap and Sarge sharing your seat. You rested your head against the window and watched the falling apart city pass by. "I memorized these streets in just one month. I've been away from home for eight months. It'll be odd going back. I've just started calling this place home. The stars are absolutely amazing out here."

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