Chapter Four

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You were frustrated, and you didn't know why. Oh wait, yes you did. You were just too upset and adrenaline driven to focus clearly on why you were mad. You swerved on the Roamer-claimed streets, furiously turning and dodging. You hated how the street lamps didn't work any longer. Your only light was the one, not broken headlight that hardly did anything. You nearly sighed in relief when you saw the walls in the distance.

Alfred stuck his out the window. "Open the gate!" He yelled, and the two people on top started shouting at whoever was at the gate.

You hardly slowed down to drive through the gate, then slammed on the brakes once you where all the way in. Several people gathered around, including the girl from earlier being held back by Feliciana and Ludwig. "Antonio!" She screamed once she saw his body be carried out of the car. She screamed and thrashed about, trying to escape Ludwig's hold.

You and Alfred were instructed to take Antonio's body to the medical tent where Tina and Gilbert followed. You had learned that both were highly educated in the medical field. No one knew, but you were as well, despite how young you were. Once Antonio was laid down, Alfred left to comfort Lovina, as he said, and you stayed to help the other two.

After an hour, Antonio was patched up and hooked to an IV drip. "He didn't loose too much blood, which is good. No one in here had his same blood type and we couldn't find any in the nearest hospital. Bastard's lucky." Gilbert snickered, wiping blood off his hands. "Thanks for your help, (Name). If you weren't there, he wouldn't have had a chance." He gave you a soft smile and ruffled your already messy hair. You returned the smile. "Also, nice legs." You blushed and fidgeted in your spot as Gilbert left. You almost forgot you were wearing the short shorts.

After Tina left, leaving you with Antonio, the woman from earlier ran in and practically collapsed by Antonio. She sobbed and grabbed his hand, kissing it repeatedly. "Mio dio, you're OK..." She whimpered, holding his hand to her cheek.

You grabbed a chair and helped her sit in it before sitting in another chair. "Grazi..." She finally muttered and looked over at you. You returned a sympathetic look. "Gilbert said you saved his life. He said Antonio wouldn't have a chance if you weren't there. I thank you with my life." You smiled, and nodded. "My name is Lovina, and you met my husband. You also may have met my sister, Feliciana."

Again, you nodded. "Yeah. She's sweet."

Lovina smiled and nodded before returning her amber gaze to Antonio. She cupped his pale cheek. "What happened? Why is half his leg gone?" She whispered.

Sighing, you leaned forward. "Alfred and I caught up to him and Alice about halfway up the stairs of that apartment. We had to run all the way up and ran into some random apartment. We decided to stay overnight because our only exit was blocked. We were to high to jump and the fire escape was two apartments away. We didn't check any of the rooms or doors or anything because we didn't hear anything. We talked, introduced ourselves, then went to bed. Before I could get to sleep, I heard him and reacted. Two Roamers were in the bathroom and Antonio didn't have anything to defend himself. I managed to kill both, but the one on the ground had bit his shin. Took a whole chunk out. I wasn't even thinking, just ordering Alice and Alfred to do things I was hoping would work."

"At least you did something. We didn't even know you could cut off a limb to save someone. We never tried that." Lovina kissed Antonio's palm. "Thank god you did... Did something else happen?" You tilted your head. "Alfred seems to show an interest in Alice."

"Oh." You muttered, your frustration returning. "Yeah. Something did happen." You grumbled, leaning back in the chair. Lovina raised a thin brow at you. "I saved Antonio, got us an escape, found a car with enough gas in it, got us out of there and back, and Alice gets praised because she lost the key to the car while trying to start it." You sighed, glowering at the roof of the tent. "So she takes ten minutes to hotwire the stupid thing while Alfred and I are killing any Roamer that gets close."

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