#1. The Start

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#1. The Start

Kadesha's POV

"What the hell are you thinking, Mike?!" I yelled at Mike, my longtime boyfriend.

"You think I'm stupid enough not to know what the fuck are you doing behind me? Huh, Kadesha?!" He yelled at me.

I ruffled my hair in anger. I couldn't believe that he has no trust in me that I'm not cheating on him 'cause I will never.

"You're stupid enough not to know that I'm not cheating on you!" I said throwing a vase at him.

The vase didn't even hit him because he turned the other way.
"You're the one who's stupid here Kadesha. I'm giving all of me to you and yet you're not doing the same! All you do is type on your phone, stare and play and do whatsoever with it! You always do that and forget me!" He said punching the wall that make his knuckles turn into red, blood coming out.

The anger in my eyes goes away and it soften. I make my way to him to take a look at his fist but he shove my hand away, making me fall on the carpet. I'm such a lightweight.

"Don't you ever go near with me, you whore!" And pointed me out.
The tears that I'm holding to came out.

"Don't you ever touch we with your filthy hands! Go pack your bitchy things 'cause were done."

"'Cause were done."

"'Cause were done."

"'Cause were done."

"'Cause were done."

"'Cause were done."

The last words if Mike before going out echoed in my mind. I can't believe him. He didn't gave me a chance to explain! I was not cheating on him. I'm texting my friend that is going to help me to plan today's anniversary with him. Yes, today is our anniversary and forgot it. Because he forgot you. Said my mind.

I was planning to have a dinner with him. And were going to take about our future, with kids, getting married, traveling the world, making the rest of our lives happy.

I was planning all of that but he didn't hear me out. And I guess he had out of it.

I don't want to argue with him because things are getting worse when we argue but, it happened. And the worst thing that has ever
happen in my life happened.

With me, breaking up with Mike, I guess my life will be a waste from now on. I don't know what to do! Because I know that my future will be me and Mike together. Loving each other endlessly.

All of the things I dreamt of are destroyed.

I got back to reality when I heard an engine goes off and I know that it is Mike. Probably going to Courtney again.

I wiped my tears and stood up. I tied my hair in a messy bun and started to roam my eyes across the living room.

It was a mess. Broken vases scattered on the floor and a note in the couch. I take it and read.

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