#4. Toronto

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#4. Toronto

Kadesha's POV

"Congrats babe!" Alex greeted Klay, her boyfriend, on their win against the Raptors.

I stared at the couple and started to thnk about us again. Why can't I get him out of my mind? It's like everyday, I think about him; what is he wearing, how is he, what is he doing and everything. My strings are attached to him and I don't know how to unattached those strings.

"Let's go, Kadesha! Let's wait for them at the parking lot with their girls and wives." Alex said and grabbed and dragged me on the way to the parking lot.

There I saw Ayesha, Shaine, Shaun Livingston's girlfriend, Anela, Andrew Bogut's wife and many more. And I feel like I'm a third wheel here and I'm not really appropriate here because I'm not one the the Warriors' girlfriend or wife or whatsoever. I was just dragged by Alex here.

I pouted and got bored.

I don't k ow what to do while they chitchat with each other. I sat down the bench and they didn't saw me sitting because they're too busy to chitchat and it's okay with me.

I logged in to my Twitter and started scrolling, hoping to find some good tweets.

Mike Conley @mconley11

I love you.

What was that mean? Is he seeing someone right now? How pathetic of him to replace me easily. After all, he doesn't love me right? Heh, I don't really mind it. Really, Kadesha? You don't mind it but you always think of him? Gosh, shut the hell up!

Kadesha Schulz @kshon


I tweeted back angrily. I refreshed the app and saw the trainer of Mike tweeted.

Jessica Hons @jessh

Love you too babe @mconley11

So he really find another one? So this is how we play a game, Conley?

Then let's bring it on.


"Hit my plug, that's my cholo! 'Cause he got it for the low, low!" We sang.

We're on our way to Vaughan, Ontario, Canada. The team flew to Brooklyn for their next game tomorrow and we're going to go their when we finish all of the rides at Canada's Wonderland.

"Girl!" Ayesha patted my lap since I was on my shorts. I faced her, "Yas?"

"Introduce yourself please?" I laughed at her. I forgot to introduce myself to them, how rude of me!

"Kadesha Schulz from Memphis, Tennessee but I move out because of some reasons....." They started at me. "Yeah." I finished unsure.

They all nodded their heads.

"Do you all know Jessica Hons? She's rumored with Mike Conley and I hate her so much. Actually, I'm a Kadesha-Mike shipper!" Shaine said angrily.

My eyes widened. It's very obvious that I'm not updated that he and his trainer are together now. Fuck that Mike.

"Yeah, she's like a gold digger." Anela said disgustingly and rolling her eyes off.

I remained silent. I'm half shocked and half expecting this but not too early. I mean we just broke up a few days ago and then this is what I'm going to see or hear? What the fuck?

"Hey, Kadesha, you okay?" Ayesha worryingly asked me. I shook my head to erase my thoughts and nodded but I guess they don't trust me well that they don't believe that I'm okay.

"Nah, you aren't. Forget about him, forget his hoe, forget the shit out of him! We'll help you, girl. We got your back." Anela said.

"Yeah. He doesn't derverve a girl like you. And you don't deserve him either. We'll help you, Kadesha. Your a part of our family now." Alex added and I laughed, "Even though I'm not one of the Warriors' girl?" They laughed also and nodded.

Wait for my biggest revenge, Conley.


"Sometimes darkness wins. Sometimes that's okay."


a/n; im so sorry for not updating for months. im busy with my other account because i published another book. so yeah, i hope all of you liked this chapter!

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