#7. So Close

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#7. So Close

Kadesha's POV

Staring at the window with some strands of my hair falling down. I still cannot forget the fact that I saw Mike here. I am not sure if I was just hallucinating earlier because it is unlikely for I'd to meet here in Memphis because this is a big city.

I shook my thoughts off, sipping my own made coffee. My mind is still not getting over what happened earlier. My heart was breaking at the same time I want to kill him. It may sound harsh but you know, the feelings are always getting in the way.

Calling Courtney...

Forgot to tell you that I haven't erased the numbers of Courtney, Marc and Randolph on my contact list but I have deleted Mike's number, of course.

I answered it.

What do you need, Court?

What a nice way to greet a hello, K.

Sarcasm is all over his voice. I'll admit that I missed these guys a bunch. It's been three months that I didn't see them. I'm not going to their games, or whatsoever. And now that he called me, I think it's time to face his best friend? Argh, this is harder than I thought.

Eh, I don't care. Why'd you call?

Just wanting to check out on you. Jessica said that she saw you when you were performing?

My eyes widened when I heard him over the phone. So I wasn't hallucinating? So it's all try that I've seen him earlier and to tell you that he was with the bitch?

Are you kidding? So I wasn't hallucinating earlier? I all thought that its was just some people walking around that must have been like them.

Dang it. No you're not hallucinating. Everything's real. Don't worry, were not on Jessica's side. She's very flitry.

I smirked. That's very good that they aren't on that stupid girl's side. I want to go to Jessica right now and say to her face and to herself that she's not fit for him. It really sounds like I'm very bitter in what happened but let's just accept the fact that I still love him. It's very hard to forget but I'm trying to. And it's a long process that will be done on a long time.

Kadesha Shön, you still there?

Mike removed me out of my thoughts.

Y-yeah, I'm still here. What are you talking about?

He laughed for a second and I heard some noises from the background and I was expecting that it is the team. You gotta miss those crazies.

I was saying that, would you like to have a bonding with the team?

Speechless for a minute.

Uh I'm n-

I was cut off by him.

If you don't like to to come then it's fine with us! We just want to have a bond-

I also cut him off by chuckling. Here goes thw worrying Courtney again.

It's okay, Courtney. Just text me where will be the place and then we're off.

Yessssss! We really missed you, K, and we've always want to have a bonding with you! I'll text you the place and please don't wear any glamorous dress or something. Just casual.

I said okay and then hung up. But now the question is, am I ready to face him?


"I'm a mess of unfinished thoughts."


Updated ✔✔

As promised I'll update by April 3. It's April 3 here in the Philippines so yeah. Hope you liked this!

All the love,

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