#11. Transformation

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#11. Transformation

Kadesha's POV

"Drop." Alena.

"Dead." Shaine.

"Sexy." Ayesha.

"Gorgeous." Alex.

I flashed my infamous poker face at them. "Aight? Why are y'all acting like that? Am I not okay? Is it ug-" They all cut me off by screaming in my face, "DON'T FUCKIN' SAY THAT WORD, LIL' FELLA!"

"You're drop dead gorgeous, K." Ayesha said, earning a nod frok everyone.

It's just a simple day for us. It's Thursday and we're here in Oakland chilling and later on we're going to babysit Ayesha's children because she and Steph are going on a date and blah blah blah. They're just goals and I admit that I envy them so much, hahahaha.

"Okay! Let's go to the restaurant now before Stephen goes home with the kiiiiids!" Ayesha said very fast and dragging all of us to their Ranger. They have two cars, Ranger and Coupe.

"Where are we going? What restaurant?" I asked curiously once we sat down and the engine starts off. "Eh, just some fancy restaurant down town." Ayesha said, shrugging. She's the one driving for y'all info.

Look what we started baby
You're not what I expected 'cause
All I ever wanted was some fun
Look what we started baby
I used to look for exits 'cause
All I ever wanted was some fun
I never meant to fall in love
I never meant to fall in love
I never meant to fall in love
I never meant to fall in love

We all sung our asses up. Jamming at the car sounds fun right? And that's the reason why we're together, always jamming in the car whenever we're traveling. I guess, it's in us and ya' know, we always do that. Okay, forget about him now. Moving on.

"Jason Derulo is just fucking hot," I said while fanning myself like Jason Derulo us in front of me, shirtless. Gosh, imagining him like that makes me go crazy but he has a fiancée, I can cry now. Joke lol. "Hella true, K! It's like when he wrapped his arms around your waist, I was like 'OMG, Kadesha is some lucky girl that experienced the feeling that Jason Derulo wrapped his arms around a girl's waist!' And then I looked at Jordin's face and she was like 'Jason stop that fucking movie!' And then she was like killing K in her mind," Shaine told the story way back when I performed at Memphis and we did laugh hard. I really didn't knew Jordin's reaction to that but I think Jason has need to do some explainin'.

"Gooooosh! I wish I was there! I'll capture that and Jordin's face," Alex said still laughing from Shaine's story. Anela pointed at Alex while laughing, but recovering, "Yeah. I'll be just like you. I'm going to take a video of it, also!"

I slapped their thighs even though the dress is covering their skins, "Don't be too harsh on Jordin please. I don't want to be knocked down." Half-true, half-joke. The joke is that I don't wanna be knocked down. Really.

"We're here, ladies!" Ayesha announced and we got out of the Ranger and walked our way inside the fancy restaurant.

"Good evening, Madames. Do you have any reservations?" The waitress said, which is supposed to be Rose as said on her tag, asked us.

Ayesha nodded, "Yes, reservations for Curry."

Yep. Ayesha Alexander Curry planned this whole damn thing. We'll Alex planned to have me a make-over but she doesn't really know this. We'll nobody between us five knows this except for the one who planned this.

Rose smiled and nodded. She guided us to the third floor which made us ride the elevator and when we entered the third floor, it says that For Reservations Only. So it's only for the ones that reserved? Like this restaurant so much.

We can hear some laughing inside and when we got in, I saw.....


"Tired for putting a brave front."


6 Words. {mike conley jr.} [completed]Where stories live. Discover now