#10. Sixty Percent

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#10. Sixty Percent

Kadesha's POV

Kadesha Schulz @kshon

Back in Oak! Thanks for fetching me @alexsyd
-picture in the media-

Yeah, so I'm back in Oakland after hours of plane ride from New York City.

I finished recording my first single yesterday and flew back to Oakland after getting some nap.

"So, how was Memphis?" Alex asked me once the engine started. I looked outside the window so see some sights. "It's fun." She looked at me like she can't believe what I say. Is there anything I suppose to say? "Fun? That's it? Nothing happened?" I looked at her, "Yes, nothing happened. Look, even though Courtney invited me to his house to have some bonding with the whole team, he didn't come. And I'm okay with it, I'm suppose to move on because he moved on right?"

She turned the stir wheel and I guess we're going to the mall. "You're correct. And I'm sorry for that," she paused and I chuckled. "Now, we're going to have a make over." She said seductively.

I knew this would happen.


"First, off. Salon."

And then we entered the salon. At first, I was hesitating to enter but I think it's for the best. I mean, there will come a time that people changes and leaves the past, right?

Alex and the receptionist or whatever you call that person on the cashier or lobby? are chit chatting with each other while I'm looking around the salon. And since I'm a bit tired, I sat down the couch.

"Kedesha! C'mon, we need to get going 'cause we've got something to do later!" And then I followed Alex to the swivel like chair that is used in salons.

"Wow, I love you hair, face, and your hands. It's beautiful, you're goals." The gay salonist (A/N is there a word like that? so sorry guys) or whatever you call the person that works in a salon, complemented me.

I chuckled, "Thanks."

Alex patted my shoulder, "I'm just going to take a bite and then I'll be back," and then she faced the salonist (A/N im going to use that okay?), "Surprise me." The salonist nodded, "I gotcha'."

"Okay, so we'll transform you in a gorgeous way." The salonist said and I snapped my fingers, "Can't wait for the transformation though."

He or she, I don't know what will I use, started to cut my hair not-so-very short. "What's the reason on why you want a transformation?"

"I actually don't want to transform but I guess Alex said that to you?" He or she nodded. "But half of me wants to have it because I want to move on and now it's 2016 and it's definitely a new year to start with. I want to leave all of the bad things that I've done and has been done last year. I don't want to bring it back again because I'm just on the stage that is moving on. I'm not fully moved on but I know I will get there sooner or later."

"Even though I just knew you a few minutes ago, I know that you're on a hard situation right now. I can know that because of your eyes. Your eyes says everything and you know what dear? He'll regret it for letting you go. A beautiful, kind, genuine and a down to earth girl, he let go. It's hard moving on because all of the mornings that you used to wake up and he's always there, it's not the same anymore. It'll be okay, you have friends that are there for you."

"Aww, you're very approachable. Even though I'm a bit famous, you're not acting like I'm a big star. And yore talking to me like I'm a normal person and that is what I like about you. Thanks for being there. For the sayings and advice."

The salonist laughed, "I'm Faith. And it's my real name to tell you even though I'm originally a boy. And I'll be always here for you, just go to this salon and then bam."

I clapped my hands together, "Yehey! But how about if I can get your number? So that my friends and you could hang and be more closer!"

Faith stopped curling my hair and let out her (A/N im going to use that now) calling card and give it to me, "Here's my number, Ms. Kadesha."

I laughed, "Oh, F. Remove the miss. We're friends right now."


"I'm bringing my old self back."



Congrats Warriors on breaking the NBA record for most wins in NBA regular season! Ugh, Memphis. And farewell, Black Mamba!⚫️🐍 Going to miss you on the court 😔😙👊🏻💜

QUESTION: is Kadesha really going back to her old self?

All the love,

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