#13. Letters

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#13. Letters

Kadesha's POV


Bby, how r u?

Eh, still the same bby. What about u?

Weeeeeeeeeelllllllll. It's about last night.

Oh my gosh, you did do it, didn't you?

Iiiiiih! I hate you, K. Don't say this to anyone but he's really big.

GROSS. Can you read what you're texting to me?

Hahaha, whatever. But as far as I know, you and Mike did it!

YIKEEEEEEEES. I hate you Lexi.

I love you too, girl! And I forgot to tell you something.

What is it? Something important?


Aight. What is it?

Go to your room, check your walk-in closet, go to the place where your dresses are.

Okay, and then?

Found a note? Read it and follow it! Bye girl. Love ya

I stared at the piece of paper curiously. I don't know where this paper come from but the hand writing is very familiar. I look closer at it and read it,

Good evening, love. I know you may be curious on what's going on but just read and follow this, alright?

I want you to put that dress on, the one that is hanged. And then put on the things that I've picked for you.

P.S. Don't wear make-up! You're way too gorgeous for that.

I smiled at the letter on the piece of paper. Even though he didn't put any name on, I know that this is Mike's handwriting.

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