#17. Invincible

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#17. Invincible

Kadesha's POV

"You're in one, two, three!" One of the producers said to my almost half shouting because of the loudness of the crowd.

My second tour of my first world tour. I said to myself, almost crying. Can't believe that I'm really on my own tour.

The lights dimmed as I walked in the stage. The crowd shouting my name, some are crying, some are taking pictures, some have banners, and some are waiting for me to sing.

Wow. This is really it. This is so surreal.

The band that is behind me started playing my opening song. I took a deep breath before singing, and prayed to God that this will be successful too.

"You know I was broke down, I had hit the ground
I was crying out, couldn't make no sound
No one hears silent tears collecting
You know I had lost hope, I was all alone
Never been so low 'til you came along
Teacher, I feel the dots connecting

Beat down on me, beat down like a waterfall
Cause I can take on so much more than I had ever dreamed
So beat down on me, beat down like a waterfall
'Cause baby, I am ready to be free

Now I am invincible
No, I ain't a scared little girl no more
Yeah, I am invincible
What was I running for
I was hiding from the world
I was so afraid, I felt so unsure
Now I am invincible
And I'm a perfect storm

Now I am a warrior, a shooting star
You know I got this far, I had a broken heart
No one hears silent tears collecting
'Cause it's being weak that's strong
In the truth I found
I have courage now, I'm gonna shout it out
Teacher, I feel the dots connecting

Beat down on me, beat down like a waterfall
'Cause I can take on so much more than I had ever dreamed
So beat down on me, beat down like a waterfall
'Cause baby, I am ready to be free

Now I am invincible
No, I ain't a scared little girl no more
Yeah, I am invincible
What was I running for
I was hiding from the world
I was so afraid, I felt so unsure
Now I am invincible
And I'm a perfect storm

I was running from an empty threat
Of emptiness
I was running from an empty threat
That didn't exist
I was running from an empty threat
Of abandonment
I was running from an empty threat
That didn't exist

But now I am invincible
No, I ain't a scared little girl no more
Yeah, I am invincible
What was I running for
I was hiding from the world
I was so afraid, I felt so unsure
Now I am invincible
And I'm a perfect storm

Now I am invincible
No, I ain't a scared little girl no more
Yeah, I am invincible
What was I running for
I was hiding from the world
I was so afraid, I felt so unsure
Now I am invincible
And I'm a perfect storm"


"Oh my gosh! Hi Jessiann!" I attacked Francisco's baby mama with a big bear hug. Eh, it's my specialty.

We stayed like that for two minutes or so until she broke the hug and laughed. "Hey there, Kadesha. I know you, to be honest. Chico is always talking about you all the time, but he didn't said anything about me."

"Heh, he talked about you many times but he didn't say a name."

She laughed.

We chitchat more and waited until Chico will came out from the arena and go here, to the tour bus. I told the security to open the gates for Jessiann Lachowski and do not tell Francisco Lachowski.

"Ms. Schulz, Mr. Lachowksi is here." One of my security guards, Erik, told me.

Me and Jessiann have this super duper mega wide-eyed expression. I quickly pointed to her Chico's bunk bed because I know he'll go straight to it. While I go to my own bunk bed that is on the opposite of his.

"Okay, Erik! Thank you!" I thanked him as I heard footsteps coming here.

After a few minutes of the 'footsteps' that we're both hearing, I peeked through my bunk bed curtain to see Chico get surprise after he shove his curtain.

"Oh my gosh, baby, you're here!" He said, very surprised.

"Hahahaha, thank Kadesha!" And then Chico thanked me and try continued to catch up things.


I am close to sleeping when I hears my phone beeped.




Oh, sorry Queen K😭 I texted to tell you that Anika bought a ticket for your concert in Memphis. 🙄

😑so what? I dont care🙅🏻

But I bet youll care if I will say that shell bring the stupid Mike Conley🙊

👿please dont ruin my perfect day. I got over him, so please Court😶

Mhmkay Kadesha😔 be safe 😘

Yeah, you too😘👐🏻


"I am invincible. I'm not scared."


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