#8. I'm Okay

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#8. I'm Okay

Kadesha's POV

I wore my black hoodie, ripped black jeans and black Vans. It's black they everybody! And Courtney told me to wear casual so I wore the casual outfit that he's talking about...... maybe.


Psst. Go to my house!


I grabbed all of the things that needs to be brought and go to Courtney's house. I still know what his address his and even his best friend. But I don't know what it looks like now so it must be surprising at the same time very nerve wracking.

I turned up the radio and one of my favorite songs are on.

10 bands, 50 bands, 100 bands, fuck it man
Let's not even discuss it, man,

"Niggas sleep, I ain't trippin' I'ma let em sleep. I ain't trippin' let em rest in peace," I sang.

The ride was okay. I didn't do such and such. Just singing to Drake's album and looking over the cars that are passing by.

I started to bite my nails because I'm thinking of what will happen later. Because this is going to be the first time in three months that we're going to meet our asses up. Three months isn't long but some people change very fast. It's like in just a snap there not the person that you knew and I'm scared of that'll happen. 'Cause everybody in this planet, probably, knows Mike Conley and how great he can change a game. And you can compare a game in a life. Because if you started the game slow and sloppy, you'll probably going to change it into a fast and wonderful ball game just like in life. If you ended a certain relationship with other people badly, frustratedly, angrily — of course —,you want to change. And the reason you wanna change is because you want to forget all of the memories that you two shared. And that's what I'm scared of. Half of me wants that to happen but half of me doesn't. 'Cause you can't predict what kind of attitude and personality he has now.

It's showtime.


I placed the controller on the marble table smoothly and just looked at them triumphantly.

Just won on FIFA 16, again. I think this is the third time that I won? Yeah, if you don't guys know it, I'm the Queen of FIFA and still the Queen. I'm an addict when it comes to video games that's why on the condo of Alex, way back in California, I have many video games their and have and Xbox. She has a PS4 there. And of you're thinking where the hell is Shaine, she's back at Oakland because Shaun said.

"ALL HAIL THE QUEEN!" The guys said jokingly. They started to bow down at me and professed to hail me.

I join their oh-so-called prank? And raised the both of my hands in the air and jumped around Courtney's house.

After thirty minutes, I think, we all settled down and looking at each other.























Awkward silence.

"So," Marc Gasol started, breaking the ice. He caught our attention and we are on our what-will-you-fucking-say-dude face. "Mike texted me," and they all looked at me and I flashed my infamous poker face. "That he can't come." Knew it.

They all looked at me like I was a very little girl that can't handle the world. I crossed my arms and placed my legs on Zach Randolph's thigh who's on my left side and say, "I'm okay."


"Different guy, same shit. Again, again."


Updated ✔️✔️

I hate Mike as fuck! 👿👿 But i like Kadesha's bravery tho.

Thoughts about this chap? Btw, congrats to the Warriors for having a tie on the NBA record. Bounce back, Memphis!

All the love,

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