#2. Like We Used To

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#2. Like We Used To

Kadesha's POV

At last, my plane landed on San Francisco, California. I'll be living here, for good. I just want to be away from him for a while. Because he if can't let me say what I wanted yo say and he can't trust me, then we're off.

My stomach growled. I hate it, even though I've ate on the airplane, the food can't sustain a six hours and three minutes of plane ride. Thank God that there is a fast food chain here or else.....

"What's your order ma'am?" The cashier asked me.

I'm here at McDonald's because it's my favorite fast food chain.

"Uhm, Chicken Mcnuggets, Mcflurry with M&Ms and World Famous Fries," I said and she clicked it, said to me the price and I paid her off.

I groaned. I can't find an available seat. I mean, everybody is with someone and I can't find any table that I can share with someone. What the hell.

I roamed my eyes around and I saw a girl with nobody so I came up to her and asked is she is with someone, thank God that she's the only one.

Minutes later, nobody between us is talking. It's a bit awkward, I mean really awkward. I spoke up to break the very awkward silence, "Hi, I'm Kadesha and thank you for sharing your table."

I let out a hand and she gladly shook it, "I'm Alex, and your welcome. Oh, by the way, are you new here in San Francisco?" She asked and I nodded. I swallowed the whole fries in my mouth, it's not that big so yeah. "Actually, yes. I came from Memphis and move in here for some reasons." She hummed and patted my shoulder after, "Do you have a home to stay?" She asked and my jaw dropped.

I don't have a house or apartment or condominium to stay at.

"You can stay at my condo if you want. I don't have anyone to be with." She offered quickly when I think she noticed that I'm in a problem?

My eyes widened, "Really, Alex? I mean I could just find a home by myself." She laughed, "Nah, it's okay for me Kadesha. I mean my boyfriend, Klay, only goes there when we're having dinners and such. And when he's there, he stays at my room and there's another room so I guess you can stay there."

I smiled weakly when I heard the word boyfriend, it was just like me and Mike. Whenever we have dates and everything when I haven't move in his house, we would always have an overnight at my rented apartment. Just like how we used to. But now, I guess it can never happen again.

"Hey, are you okay?" And then she snapped her fingers in front of my face making me go back to reality.

I shrugged it off, "Yeah, I'm fine and sure I'd love to. And besides, I don't know everybody else except for you." And then we laughed together.


"So let's play twenty questions so that we can know each other well, yeah?" She asked after we unpack my things.

"Sure, sure. I'd love that and also we won't have an awkward ambiance here," and we both laughed together, making our way to her living room.

"What's your full name?"

"Kadesha Shön Schulz."

Her eyebrows raised, "You sound like you have another nationality."

I giggled, "Yeah, German." I answered her question.

"So, what's your name also?"

"Alexandra Sydney Kerr." My eyes widened. She's Steve Kerr's daughter?! That's why she looked familiar because I've seen her on games where Memphis and Golden State are playing. Memphis again. I shook it off and turned to Alex again. "Yeah, I'm Steve Kerr's daughter and he's the reason why I met Klay Thompson."

"Wow. That's amazing." I said and she replied a thank you.

"Oh my, what's your address? I forgot it!" And then we laughed together.

"Plan, Rockwell, San Fransisco, California."

Oh, it's near Lafayette Park where me and Mike used to hang out before his game in Oakland before.


"I think about you a lot."


Hey guys another update here. Actually this will be the last update for this month and year because I will finish drafting all of the chapters here so that I'll not be on an author's block or whatsoever. So yeah, enjoy this chapter and I hope you liked it!


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