#19. Almost Home

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#19. Almost Home

Kadesha's POV

"Baby," I heard a familiar voice that I've been wanting to hear for a long time.

A tear fell down my eye as I turn around to face him. He quickly wipes it because I know that he hates to see girls crying.

"Mike-" I was about to say something but he stopped me by handing me a letter.

I confusingly look at him and he mouthed, "Read it, please."

I nodded and opened the letter.

Dear Kadesha,

Baby, it's Mike here. I wanna say sorry for all of the thing I've done. I let you down when we broke up on our third anniversary. I bet, you thought that I forget that? Nah, of course not. I'm sorry for believing on Anika easily.

Kadesha while I'm writing this letter to you, the thing that crossed my mind is that; "Will she take me back?" I doubt it if you still want me in your life. I made a mess. I messed up your life so bad. But don't worry, I'm not here to take you back because I know that you don't want to.

I'm too dramatic here but I can't help it, sorry love. Do you know that Courtney told me that I should go to a mental hospital when Anika said that the baby is not mine? God, when my crazy ex girlfriend told me that the baby isn't mine, I felt like tons of weight dropped off my shoulders. I still forgave her tho. I forgave her for saying the truth and she told me that she was going to help me to get back to you. Is that even possible? Trying to get the love of your life back when you broke her real hard?

I wanna ask you if I still have a chance? But I'm not forcing you to! I know I messed up big time and it's hard to get your trust back.

I'm wondering if you have somebody in your life? That Francisco Lachowski guy? He's very handsome compare to me. I mean, I'm just a basketball player for the Memphis Grizzlies wanting a championship but we fall short.

Love you baby! I'll always love you and promise, you're the only one that is going to be my girl besides my mom.


I ended reading his letter while laughing, but crying at the same time.

I looked at Mike who's scratching the back of his head and has this worried face.

I stepped in front of him and,

I kissed him.

"Were almost home, baby boy."


"We are almost home, just wait."


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