#16. Jessiann

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#16. Jessiann

Kadesha's POV

Two days passed. Me and Chico are here in Manila for my first concert of my world tour. Francisco Lachowski my Brazilian model close friend. We've known each other's butts since diapers.

"'Cause you might look around and find your dreams come true with me!" Chico sang very loudly that almost caused me to fall from my chair.

He patted my head and headed to the backstage. Why is everybody patting my head whenever the go past by me? Huh? Tell me because it's really irritating as fuck! I mean, since early in the morning they're waking me up by patting my effin' head.

I was staring at something until someone's phone is ringing and starting to irritate me because the ringtone is the "Barbie Song" or whatever you call that.

I rolled my eyes because nobody is paying attention to the ringing phone. There are so many people here. Several of them maybe doing something that turns out that they're busy but some of them aren't. But I thought, maybe this call is meant for me. Yes, it's a big word coming from me. Hahahahaha, okay whatever.

I look at the phone and noticed that is was Chico's. I'm not shocked that there are many people calling him even though he's busy, but I'm shocked from what I saw in the calling ID.

Calling My Baby ❤️.....

So, Francisco Lachowski, my friend since God knows, has somebody? Ohhh, I've got someone to tease him. *insert evil laugh*

I grinned and decided to answer the phone. This is evil but, I know that he will forgive me easily.

Hi! Hello!
I happily said through the phone.

Hello? Who is this? Where is Francisco?

Oops. Sorry for not telling you who I am. I'm Kadesha Schulz, his childhood friend. Uhm, I know we're not close but are you Chico's girl?

Uhm, yes. I'm Jessiann, by the way. His wife. Haven't he said to you?

Omg. He didn't said to me! I want to meet you right now. He didn't invite me to your wedding! I'm guessing that you already have a child?

She laughed before answering, letting me guess that they already have. Hate that man so much! Hmmmmmmmp.

Yes. Our son is Milo Lachowski. I hate him too, Kadesha. Sometimes he surprises me without any warning even though he knows that I hate surprises!

Girl, I love you! I wanna meet you so bad. How about, you go to Hong Kong for my next concert and you surprise him there? Scare him for me please!

Hahahaha, you don't have to tell me twice! Since you know my number, save to your phone, alright?

Yep! Nice talking to you, Jessiann! See you real soon.

You too!

And for a moment, she forgets him.


"Being real is so very beautiful.



Chico is not his lover😂 he has a fucking wife and a child. I updated because Toronto won🍁 I'm so happy😆😆 okay, see you tomorrow, good night guys! #imfromsoutheastasia 😂👌

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