Pharaoh's Eye ♋ XII

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Today is Julius day, he's excited to see his father sitting in the stands for him . I avoided contact with Jermaine in case it   dentally slipped that I was going to Julius graduation instead of him, I thought a little more about us but I been caught up with Julius I couldn't give it much thought . I knew it was going to be hot as hell during the graduation so I put on a cute little dress .

"You look so good, I'm excited for you !" I said to him

"Thank you, we gotta go though ."

"Did you call your dad ?"

"No, he'll meet us there ."

Julius and I parted ways as he had to go get ready, I told him where to find me when he gets his diploma . I waited for a while for his father but it was starting so I had to get my seat, I brought flowers for him on my way to the stands . The dean did his long ass speech then the ceremony really started, the names were being called and I took a quick look to see if his father was sitting anywhere around . Julius name was close to being called, I had my phone ready . I took pictures of him from the moment he stood, grabbed his diploma and left . I took some really clear ones too, a big ol smile was on his face . As he expected, his father was a no show .

"Congratulations ! I didn't know if guys get flowers on graduations but I got them anyway ."

He smiled and even kissed me on the cheek "Thank you, I appreciate it ."

"You see him out there ?"

"No, I felt my phone vibrating though I'm sure it was him . Let's go its hot as hell in here ."

Julius was hiding it but I'm sure he's mad, I would be too . I wanted to take him out to eat, I forced him to let me pay . It was really fun but I knew he wanted to say something about his father, I tried to make him happy as possible .

"You are going to love this, this is a family recipe I'd tear this shit down whenever my momma made it ."

"You cook, you sweet as hell, body like damn . Why you single ?"

I laughed "I don't know, doesn't bother me ."

"You need a nigga in your life ."

"I don't need a nigga, he needs me ."

"Is that right then ?"

"Yes it is, I don't depend on any man ."

"Tell me why a nigga need you ?"

"What is this a job interview ?"

"It's a question ."

"I guess that's something you'll have to figure out on your own ."

Over the next couple of days, I been watching Julius . Seeing how he's been taking the let down from his father, he's been the same since I met him . Goofy, funny, sweet . I know he wants to say something about graduation,  I don't want to get into his business unless he invites me .

"Your dad dropped by today, you weren't here though ."

"I don't know why he bother coming here, he know his place ."

"Where do you stand with him now ?"

"Same position I was on before, at a distance ."

"I'm sorry ."

"What are you apologizing for ? That's his problem, he knew what time it started and where to be . It ain't no hard feelings, I'll be cordial with him I just rather not have him near me ."

"I shouldn't have pushed you to invite him ."

"No, I'm glad he did this . It's only so many chances you get, it ain't have nothing to do with you . You don't have to apologize to nothing, you stay doing that ."

I laughed "When I feel like I'm wrong I do it a lot, you don't know my sense of humor so I can't tell you what else I would say . Plus I don't want to bad mouth your people, like I wouldn't want you to bad mouth my mother unless I ask ."

"Let me hear it ."

"I don't want to be insulting ."

"Nah, I want to hear it ."

"You don't need his ass to begin with, you done much better without his dead beat ass . Fuck fathers, they aren't good for shit . I think we both turned out fine without them, look at you . Good as you look and smart as you are, you should be considered lucky, you are Julius whatever you last name is . You don't need to bitch, he's a bitch ."

He laughed "That's all you got ?"

"It wasn't good enough ?"

He shook his head with a smile "Could've been better ."

"Fuck that nigga ." I said a rough tone "How was that ?"

He laughed "Perfect ." 

I needed to switch back over to Jermaine, I was spending way too much time with Julius and I forgot about the deal I made with Jermaine . I thought about it some more and thought I'll work a plan out to decide what I need to do to see if there's anything between us, anything that would cause me to want to change things between us .

"This is how it's going to be Jermaine, you have 3 days to prove to me why I should make this jump in our relationship . After those three days, I will let you know my decision . The rules are, sex is not included and if you kiss me it damn sure better be good cause after those 3 days it will be your last depending on my decision ."

I couldn't keep Jermaine hanging forever, I decided to let him make my decision for me . If he can show me that I would be making a good decision, I'll make things official between us . I'm scared but I'm giving him free will to do what he pleases, I waited for my period to be over incase I wanted to explore different things with him . Curiosity took over my mind quite a few times and I won't lie, I tried pleasuring myself a couple of times due to a no dick life . I guess I wasn't doing it right cause I didn't get much felling out of it, females make fingering sound so enjoyable and easy but I don't see what the hype is about . Guess I'm waiting around for the real thing, cause these two fingers don't do shit for me .

"Fine by me, now lets go ."

I hope he doesn't try and take me somewhere above and beyond, I want him to be his self . We went out to the club and did some drinking as usual, we were all on each other but it's nothing different from what we always do . I was probably hanging on to him a little extra, I was drunk and wanted some affection . We're we're standing around with each other and I had my arms wrapped around his neck and my head pressed against his chest, his arms were wrapped around my waist and his head placed on top of mine . Still the same thing we always do, a little more feeling on my side but nothing to make me want him . Once we were back out his house, we climbed into bed together .

"I don't want to pressure you into anything, if you don't want a relationship out of this I don't want to force you ."

But he was forcing me, him saying that adds to the build of my decision .

"You get three days I told you, right now we just coasting ."

"What happens in the past with me stays in the past, I know what you mean by I wasn't being serious and over the years I gave up showing . That day I went and had sex with that girl and came back to you, showed you I didn't want anything from this . I want to let you know that I wouldn't fuck around like that, I - ."

"Jermaine, shut up . You doing too much talking ." I said closing his lips for him

He's making it harder for me to say no, if it comes to that . If I do say no, I don't want to him hurt him . I laid my head on his chest and he clutched tight on to me, the next morning after his mom left for work we shared the kitchen cooking breakfast . The radio was on and we were both singing while we cooked, I sounded bad but it was funny . He turned out the stove finishing up, then turned the radio off .

"That's enough, you going to break the damn windows in my house you keep up with that that singing ." he joked

"Shut up, you love it ."

"What are we doing today ?" he asked chomping on his bacon

"I don't know, it's your chance to do whatever ."

"Let's see The Purge tonight, I been wanting to see that shit ."

We caught the 8 o' clock movie, that shit was wack so we suck into another one . After we sat in the car and smoked weed, I tried doing tricks with the smoke but to me I looked stupid . I was high as hell meaning I was laughing a lot, I spent the night at his house again .

"You been laughing since we left ."

"I can't help it ." I laughing laying on top of him, I accidentally drooled on his chest

"What the fuck, nasty ass ." he said flipping me over causing him to be on top of me

I laughed "I'm sorry ."

He wiped the corner of my mouth with his hand, it was getting serious soon as I stopped laughing .

"What are you thinking about ?"

"Is that a trick question ?"

"It's a simple question ."

I was thinking about a lot, I just didn't want to give him any ideas .

"I don't know ."

"I only have one rule against me right ?"

"That's correct ."

"You sure you don't want to rule anything else out ?"

"You have the freedom to do what you want, whatever it us better be good cause I will judge you after these three days ." I smiled

He smirked "You going to play me out too ?"

I laughed "Only so you know exactly what to work on in the future ."

"I want you as my future ."

"You better hope I stay in the present ."

"I don't think you going anywhere after this ."

10 years and some change of knowing Jermaine, he finally kissed me . It shook me up a little even though I knew it was coming, I felt some thing there . You wanna get graphic I felt his tongue giving mine massages, he was a good kisser . I wanted to know what this moment felt like, I wonder what he's thinking about this . Kissing was all we did, all night .

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